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Vovan_king 06.11.21 05:46 pm

Turok: Rebirth

Impressive, although the textures are not of the best quality. And in more detail, who is the developer, when the release is scheduled, etc. ??
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Daikatana 06.11.21

I like all the series, and there are all versions for both PC and N64 (on PC: wink :)

ACE 06.11.21

Turok: Heart of Darkness - this is now the name of the new part of Turok.

BlackSilver 06.11.21

In fact, this is a new game. Only one name remained from the Turk.

gravemaker 06.11.21

looks like the game sucks judging by the new screenshots
[url = http: //www.jeux-france.com/Webmasters/Images/5130620061013_184747_1_big.jpg] http://www.jeux-france.com/Webmasters/I ... _1_big. jpg [/ url]
[url = http: //www.jeux-france.com/Webmasters/Images/5130620061013_191236_0_big.jpg] http://www.jeux-france.com/Webmasters/I ... _0_big.jpg [ / url]

BlackSilver 06.11.21

[b] gravemaker [/ b], yes, it’s on the level. In some places it is absolutely awesome.

gravemaker 06.11.21

Anryl Engine 3 is even worse here than in GOV

BlackSilver 06.11.21

[b] gravemaker [/ b], and what would you write if the game was exclusive?

gravemaker 06.11.21

I would say the same thing
I don’t like a Turk, play beee

BlackSilver 06.11.21

[b] gravemaker [/ b], the game looks sucks because you don't like a Turk?

gravemaker 06.11.21

it looks like a figa potamushta this is a fig engine and (or) curves screens

[color = green] [size = 75] Posted after 1 minute 6 seconds: [/ size] [/ color]

judging by these screenshots, the game looks a little better than the headlights

gravemaker 06.11.21

in the same halo and that is better

BlackSilver 06.11.21

[b] gravemaker [/ b], many beautiful games are made on ye. Assassins creed looks great, gear of thief looks good, Turk looks much above average. So far no one has really seen Halo, no one is getting better or worse.

ACE 06.11.21

[b] gravemaker [/ b], are you grabbing the topic again? : twisted:

gravemaker 06.11.21

well, for whom nishtyak ....
but the AU can say its own engine, too much reworked ue3
developed by the Turk, it can be seen that
they do not know how to work with their hands, or something else, but so far they do not look very

wuca 06.11.21

The idea that any game coming out on ye 3 is cool is pretty stupid, and Too human was proof of that.

BlackSilver 06.11.21

[b] gravemaker [/ b] looks decent, and when it comes out it will be even better.

gravemaker 06.11.21

undoubtedly will, undoubtedly

wuca 06.11.21

That you keep saying that the graph will be pulled up. Vaughn Gears looks the same as in 2005.

ED007 06.11.21

[quote name = "gravemaker"] in the same halo and that is better [/ quote]
ahaha :-D this is annealing, why are they all massively snapping up unraeal enzhin and not chalovsky?

IronDan 06.11.21

The screens are quite decent. I'm more worried about the gameplay with the plot. They were always not up to par with the Turk.