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Sivka-pro 09.11.21 07:29 pm

Ridiculous situation after NG +, and again disappointment (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)

Actually, it is as follows: Passed the second time in NG + and DLC "Hearts of Stone (recommended character level 62)" on the difficulty "Death"). Now the character is level 67 (up to level 68 another 1400 experience). So, I got the elite armor and swords of the "snake school at level 67", got the blueprints of the Ophir set of armor for level 68 and got a lot of positive emotions from the Hearts of Stone, BUT !!!! The following questions arise and such sadness and frustrations roll in:
1. A set of Ophir armor cannot be put on, because the plot has been completed completely and, accordingly, all additional. quests and missions. Pumping another 1400 experience on wolves and random enemies is SO PLEASURE TO YOURSELF ((Besides, basically all the question marks even on Skellig are open, there are only a little left in the sea (smuggling). The following question arises from here:
2. Why do I need all these level 68 armor and what to do with them now, if I have already gone through almost everything, where should I go to them now ??? After all, you cannot start NG ++ in the second circle.

Note: during the first playthrough, 250+ hours were spent on the game, with NG + spent 220+ hours. Well, is not it a nerd, you can tell me, I will answer-YES! But I am getting high on the game))).

Summing up my situation, I want to ask the fans of this game: what did I do wrong, why was I so disappointed ??? Maybe it was necessary to go through NG + first "hearts of stone", and only then with these clothes and weapons to start the main plot ??? ......

In general, leave comments who had how it was and what situations and what ways of solving them did you use ... Thank you all in advance!
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Stribogg 09.11.21

Why not? It is quite possible to climb the world after all the plots. You just need to tweak the freeplay a little, so that all this blatant discrepancy does not cut the mind. And then there will be no such things about "how disappointing it is that after NG + there is also NG ++")))

Artem4eG1994 09.11.21

Yes, you did a little wrong, before starting NG + you had to go through the first playthrough "Stone Hearts", and only then start NG +, there just these two or three levels would be recruited. Also, for the future, if before "Blood and Wine" you decide to go through, try to plan the completion of quests because they bring full experience while they are marked in green (this is 5 levels lower and 5 higher than your current level). That is, if you see that through your level any task will turn gray (instead of green), then try first of all to complete it, and only then take on tasks of a higher level in order to get the full amount of experience. I hope I managed to explain it in Russian.

Sivka-pro 09.11.21

Thanks for the sensible and sensible advice! I will do so after the release of "Blood and Wine", but I must admit that I completed a lot of quests when they were already gray and little experience was given for them .. That was not enough for him to have time to go through "Hearts of Stone" before the end of the main plot ( in top clothes).

Mrfiodark 09.11.21

Try to roll back quests 7 back and put a mod in which experience for old tasks will be given in full, and not cut (there will be no cutting for lvl). You will just achieve these 1.4 to experience and put on your set. Look for a mod in Google, or here. Certainly there is such

Straiff 09.11.21

Pass the Hearts of Stone between rescuing the Wizards from the Lodge and sending them to Skellig. Now, after the end of the plot, I have level 69 and the question marks are practically not touched. On Skeliga, they are practically untouched at all

Sivka-pro 09.11.21

Lucky you!))

Straiff 09.11.21

Yes, there is not much sense from them. But I came across a couple of small quests that I had not seen in the last playthrough. A trifle, but nice)

BupTy03 09.11.21

Faced with such a problem. One good man suggested this to me. During the passage of the game, do not destroy the nests of monsters (for each blown up they give 20 experience + if a monster appears there after destruction, then another 100 for it). And do not free the villages (to which people return after clearing) for them they give 120-150 experience. As soon as you have no tasks left for which give norms of experience (green), go destroy the nests and free the villages. I raised the 70th lvl from the 68th.

Faceless void 09.11.21


Anchoret 09.11.21

On NG + I got to the Ophir extortionists (I started to complete the Rune Master quest) at 55 or 56 levl, and before the battle in Kaer Morhen. On the penultimate difficulty level, it was difficult to knock out the blueprints for the quest from the "Burning Rose" gangs, but I managed it) Hearts of Stone (the main set of quests) began to take place after the first skirmish with the Wild Hunt on the recommended Levle. Now the game has been completed for the second time, Geralt's level is 69, there are still about five side quests and a dozen question marks on Skellig.

As an alternative to wolves for leveling up, I recommend all the many-legged evil spirits on Skellig on the main island. Well, even occasionally on different islands come across cyclops and kurolisks.