In front of you 3 God. One of them always tells the truth , the other always lies and the third to any question gives a completely random response using the same algorithm as Ott the bulldozer.Tell you what-either they are lazy , because they can only answer Yes and no
Russian a language they understand , but don't love , so to answer your questions they will be in their language , instead of Yes and no will say meow and mi and you don't know which of these words means Yes what no.
You can ask only 3 questions , with each question addressed only one God and not all at once.
Challenge - you have these 3 questions to determine which of these gods - honest , a liar , and which produces random answers.
GRINAZA wrote:
instead of Yes and no will say meow and mi and you don't know which of these words means Yes what no.
Nya is Yes, obviously.
Why are the avatars put hard?, easier are looking. On similar topics can be easier and something to look for.
you can check out Matan's overall appearance. you can only ask 9 questions understand
1+1=2? peck-peck if the math tells the truth
but the random God will be more difficult. him understand it will be necessary to ask questions on the format of the binary logic with iterations of the type - I'm a liar? with formal logic will always be true. the great randomness will be random. OOO Wielicki random
again, if formal logic is the truth. unless there is a more low-level global approach unavailable to Pitch mind.
MunchkiN 616
Just 3 questions to ask. So, ask questions with lots of interesting options, type : whether it is true that...[listing options]+ a question is asked of one God relative to another, to the fact of osensei also gave additional info.
In General, to understand how it works, it is necessary to solve the same task, only without the condition that the gods speak in an incomprehensible language.
If cosplay as vampires, it can be something attractive to find. So I put random pictures from the Internet that the search engine picked up.
Look how Cheryl's avatar is normal. Also on this topic, but not quite vampires(not tested).
odd eyes empty
MunchkiN 616
MunchkiN 616 wrote:
but the random God will be harder
here 1 the user guessed the riddle, from the answer, then it will also be he.