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burtsmali 10.11.21 12:08 am

Problems related to playing on the Internet! (Quake 3 Arena)

I’m new people, explain in a simple way: there is an Internet server (any) ... how to save the kofig of this server on your computer? A?
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Ilya-Kolpino 10.11.21

2 InGoKnItO
Probably something is wrong with the game

Ilya-Kolpino 10.11.21

2 Esciloner
I sometimes have such a parasha too. Well, I think maybe PG is lagging?

alb_lun 10.11.21

Hello everybody! People, why when I create a server and my friend wants to join him they write please TA directly, although I see how different people periodically enter my server. I think maybe this is due to the fact that he has a "gray" SP, because I also encountered such a problem sometimes, until I received an external SP. Because Should he join me?
thanks in advance

mutex 10.11.21

Estimate yes?
I stupidly entered the line please TA directly into Yandex and the very first 5 links that I looked at allow me to assert that your friend did not enter the cd-key in his quake. Well, can’t you do that yourself?

alb_lun 10.11.21

Thanks! Now they write mis-typed cdkey, write host authorize.quake3arena.com in the file, now write awaiting challenge. By the way, outright lamer question: why does it, for example, playground.ru ping, but my SP does not?

mutex 10.11.21

)))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
As the same he was going to play with you even if your
YP cannot ping)) with an attempt to ping and it was necessary to start
apparently those who came to your server are in the same grid as you and your friend - no,
if this is so, then only with prov you need to talk, take an external YP or xs, what else is needed ... it
all depends on the configuration of the Provo mesh

m200808 10.11.21

Dear! Question!
I have been playing PG since 2005. There have never been any problems.
I have been unable to log into the server for three days!
Writes the following
"Server uses protocol 68" What would that mean and how to deal with it?
Help me please!

Best regards,
Mix (Kamikadze, Crazy Muzzy)

mutex 10.11.21

what server?
if on ffa then he seemed to be passed out for a while,
but usually Server uses protocol 68 means that you have an old version of ku3, which is unlikely to have played before

CRAZY MOUSE 10.11.21

For the third night I have been trying to swing into a quake, but nothing comes out, I get to the map and there is a slide show "Quake3Arena", I stand in one place like an idol, I don’t want to urinate, who will tell me for the garbage?

mutex 10.11.21

probably a bad connection
if with \ cg_drawPing 1 ping (jumps) above 300-500 then you need to look for another server or change the provider)) - the settings will not help here, well, judging by the description, there will be all 999))
if less than 300 then you can play with cl_maxpackets, rate, snaps settings - but it will still be lousy, difficult to play like that. In this case, you can try another cpma mod where the network code is better.
Well, do not load the grid with other tasks such as downloading movies, etc.
If everything should be in order with the connection and the quake server is not far away, then maybe the virus was attached and they shit in the net ...

fantomrik 10.11.21

Such a problem, dear ... when trying to connect to Q3.playground.ru (to any of the game ports) writes - MIS-TYPED CD KEY? what to do? Forge, I generated a generator from this site, entered ... and I used to log in normally, it all started yesterday when I demolished the OSP folder and re-installed it by downloading it from your site (both full and obdayd). I log in to other servers without problems .. PunkBuster also updated it as it says in the phage .. = (

mutex 10.11.21

it was in vain
if the server fell on Friday evening - wait for Monday when everyone goes to work, incl. and admin

4len 10.11.21

Well, Monday ... that it won't be on Monday, too?

fantomrik 10.11.21

heh - exactly =) the server did not plow ... but I put the whole quake 3 times and patches))))) everything plows schA

CRAZY MOUSE 10.11.21

through a mobile phone, is it really possible to swing on a server at all, if yes then why does not it work out for me? please help me soon die without a full-fledged game. can in the game what settings change to compensate for the low speed

mutex 10.11.21

well, go in and "teleport" around the map the whole game you can do, but to get pleasure from such a game is unlikely ...
especially if the OSB server

well, try
the network settings of the OSB:
http://cyberfight.ru/offline/strategy / 44 /? PHPSESSID = 80c400b4a6ca6f394c8fe9a1342d8e40
but the CPMA:
http://www.promode.ru/?q=node/463 paragraph 3.6

fely3 10.11.21

ALL-ALL I ask for help !!!!
I patched the game and now it doesn't start nifiga and writes: User Interface is version 4, expected 3

TimoNrd 10.11.21

Help ...... pliz ...... I can not install the key to play on playground.ru ...... I downloaded a package of keys. patch .. and nothing helps ... Writes the wrong key .... Or rather Mis key ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, What to do ??? ???????? (((((((((((((((((

yuji 10.11.21

Tell me how to register the config so that the shot from the machine gun (hitting power) was several times greater. I often see this on the Internet.?

Anark 10.11.21

The problem is that the ping is very high. Namely 140-150 :-( I'm playing from Ukraine.
Is it possible to somehow solve this problem? Or do I have to look for another server?
I don't know, maybe this thread has the answer to my problem, but I can't look through a bunch of this flood. It would not hurt the moderators to clean this topic, and not only this one.