PC vs. PS4 (Dark Souls 3)
Never played ds on ps4 only on pc tell me who played. where is it more convenient to play the keyboard or gamepad? and is it worth buying on ps4 or better on pc?For me, it's more convenient on the gamepad. Another question: if you did not hold it in your hands at all, then how long will you get used to it before enjoying the game? Having both ps4 and pc, I bought it on a computer and will play dualshock.
If you don't get used to the pad, take the pad and connect it to the PC, well, like children by God ...
You definitely need to play on a gamepad. Buying is up to you. I would buy it on a pc, although I have both consoles, since there it is just 2 times cheaper.
If it's all about a gamepad, then you don't have to buy a console for that. The DSIII is cheaper on a PC though.
If your PC gives out better performance and better graphics than PS4, play on PC with dualshock.
Why a console? I bought a gamepad, connected a computer to a TV camera and voila, a console simulator, only more functions = D
Of course PS 4. There are much more people than on a PC playing. Well, if you, of course, jerk off on the grafon, then definitely take the PC version.
Raibow Bitard
my friend and I want to buy in half there 2k comes out from a person as an incentive. but I don't know where to play on a TV set with a gamepad or on a monitor with a keyboard. I do not like to connect a dualshok to my computer.
Raibow Bitard
so if I take it on the PC, I'll play with the keyboard. why bother, then all) if on a TV set with a gamepad it is easier for me on ps4 to take prices the same here and there.
Take it where it is more convenient for you. I personally have a telly opposite the computer and hdmi along the wall from the computer to the telly goes, the gamepad is inserted into the computer and play on the couch in front of the telly. And what iron do you have? If it gives out the same 30 and no more than on the console, then take it on the curling iron, of course, and if it goes to 60 then think about it.
PS4, because what will happen with the optimization on the PC is unknown. And so I bought it, turned it on and play for fun with a gamepad on the TV without any dancing with tambourines.
Raibow Bitard
For two, you can take in PSN and share. In general, I bought a Bloodbourne account for 300 rubles, there was still antille down, it was true English, and the anch collection was completely Russian, I put everything on download, went into my account and play, all trophies fall, everything works.