Of the multiplayer this is the type of game cs go, pubg, dota 2, etc. At first glance, their structure is similar, but in fact all of them have in common is that each new rink can be unique because the course of events players can build as they wish.
Of singleplayer - it's rather non-linear RPG with OpenWorld-type TES, the fallout, the Witcher, etc., because in them one and the same quests you can go many different ways and generally play each new character unique and different from the others.
By the way, do not forget about the co-op.
But in General this game for everyone can become absolutely any and absolutely any genre, concept, etc. On taste and color
The last two games of Civilization. XCOM 2 can also be included in the list, well, different AAA RPG.
Dishonored. Played 20 times and each time pass in different ways.The plot is interesting. Now shake Dishonored 2
Thanks to mod - Skyrim. The game constructor. Without modding the sky single game. The same applies to Police.
Also close to infinity different kind of strategy, but here on taste and color, everyone has their own markers.
And third, network igruli.
For example, I play warcraft 3 since 5 years, I'm 19, I still replay over and over again. Or that starcraft 2 is the same
Lost Sector Online for fans of turn-based strategy, he personally played in her 2000+ hours and not want to finish
I agree, chasing Lost Sector for 2012, or the 11th even woke up before the new year holidays. Started playing the new ( once again, Subnautica came out, then for the Stellaris came from). As a result, yesterday I realized that miss lost sector
For me it is Total Club Manager 2004. The most appropriate Manager, conducted more than 100 seasons.
In the Witcher, you can play forever. You will be sick and you'll puke, but still endlessly!
CS. In this game you play the children of those who did it in his youth played.
Perhaps this is WWII, not only that you can endlessly explore, pitsidia, quests, events, Dundee, and Addons every 2 years out.