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Manifold 08.11.19 03:47 am

Aurora. Forward without looking back: vol.1 Normal (Diablo 2)

It's time to introduce the next hero, who is destined to make history. Since in my collection there are already 2 male character (Barbarian: http://forums.playground.ru/diablo_2/780745/ and paladin: http://forums.playground.ru/diablo_2/787601/ ), this time we will focus on the representative the beautiful half of humanity. So here they are: Aurora - a clever and ruthless warrior from the order of Assassins.

Happy to comment on your choice. My very first character in the game Diablo 2: LoD was just Assassin with a primary ability Fire Blast. Plunging into those pleasant memories of the very first steps and actions in the world of Diablo II, I just couldn't deny themselves the opportunity ponostalgirovat and beat the game for the killer more consciously.
As noted earlier, the main feature of this series is the complete lack of re-runs/pharming locations. And in my opinion, from a trio of the Amazon/Sorceress/Assassin, the latter the highest chances of survival. Thanks to the useful Defence abilities, such as Cloak of Shadow, Shadow Warrior, Mind Blast and Fade, as well as powerful attacking Light/Death Sentry, this class can effectively eliminate opponents and, in case of threat to life, to safely retreat to a safe distance.
That is the idea, it will be pure Trapper, main source of damage, which is a Light/Death Sentry, and sub - Fire Blast. I swung with the Shadow Master'th, however, in my opinion, with Light imanami assistant can't handle.

I would be very pleased if in this topic there are as many posts on the merits: useful tips/figures/observations. For this will create a nomination the Prize of sympathies of the author of the winner of which may be anyone whose help will be most valuable (as the main prize. Call to Arms 5).
Traditionally, betting on the possible death. Example: Nightmare/Plains of Despair. The main prize - a set of some items on the Sorceress (among them there is a good Torch).

At any game there are rules. In my case they're next.
version of 1.13 d single player, hardcore, difficulty /players 8 activated all the time;
- MKH, the chicken, hereditar, autocp, expanded chest, etc. - is strictly prohibited;
- the ladder runeword allowed (team -direct -txt);
- Save&Exit is only allowed in the city;
re-wound is prohibited, that is, each location may be cleaned only 1 time during the passage (LK runs here);
- re-roll card is prohibited;
shopping allowed (multiple visits to Ani/Malah, I think, to explain why it is not necessary).

The main objectives of the game
- let's be realistic: to reach 2 of the act Hella is already a success;
to clean up absolutely all the locations (and where else to find gear, if re-wound forbidden?);
strongly will not be upset when you die.

May the luck be with me!
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minovalo 08.11.19


[_JENKA_] 08.11.19

you will need to run a lot , I'm sure

Manifold 08.11.19

Dazzle from CoS doesn't work on Bosses, Champions, Super uniques (including Assembly bosses), Minions of Destructions and Oblivion Knights.
About Mind Blast: not very confident in his ability to stanici Super uniques.

minovalo 08.11.19

The point is not who does not work. Traps beat should not, in principle. Is that accidental..
P. S. Blast stuns all except act bosses.

Manifold 08.11.19

The reception of forecasts for the place of death will end at the beginning of act 2 Nightmare. So who did not - in a hurry.
Finally collected Lore in the Crown. And here I was a bit unlucky with the class character

5 act experience dripping like mad. For a full sweep gave 13 levels! Ran with ease


New theme for Nighmare will not open. It is better to continue the discussion here. The stats in the 1st act of (he belt and gloves still found)

Blood Moor unexpectedly found a 4os Crystal Sword, which served as a base for Spirit

The increase in difficulty is absolutely not noticeable

Remember that the left also one pristine location on Normal difficulty

As it turned out, nothing useful

Thank you for your attention!

yamas 08.11.19

you immediately acts through or from wp to wp?

Woolty 08.11.19

I did like Persian...wearing bis gear patched under Hal...and I realized...that zh0pa trapcall will bring you hell....

Manifold 08.11.19

Try to pass regulations. But sometimes, due to objective reasons, this cannot be done. In these cases, take the nearest Wp, and the area on the map that scout no longer visit.

To carry is probably not quite the right word. Fit leak.

Woolty 08.11.19

Well, that leak can be)))

[_JENKA_] 08.11.19

put on rip 5 act Hella in the ancients way, there trappey scary, and imonov a lot. the main cool merc

YOKOZUNA koko ni aru 08.11.19

Loka with soualem at Hel:(

T-Fox 08.11.19

RIP bydet y drevnix na helle

WinterSadness 08.11.19

Don't forget about our horned friends — consuls. Especially if generatsya with the convoy. Then comes the MEF, River Of Flame and Chaos. To the ancient there is still plenty of time. And ancient it will be possible to generate easy — this is not considered to be rerun.

codw 08.11.19

ripa ne budet

Manifold 08.11.19

Take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy New Year! The main thing is health, the rest is almost all you can buy.
After quite a long pause, the movement resumed. Forgot to record the death of Blood Raven'a, however, there was absolutely no problem.

Wow! This is really great! Just time to upgrade the weapons of a mercenary

Another part of Sihon

Should I wait for her good runes?

Maybe some other time...

Already it is possible to collect Rhyme (a necessary shield though)

In my opinion, never found a ring like that

Below are predictions that the game:
b0ev1k: Hell, The Forgotten Tower
[_JENKA_]: Hell, The Ancients Way
Rich for life: Hell Plains of Despair
t-fox: Hell Arreat Summit

[_JENKA_] 08.11.19

lol, the most common ring, I remember the sales 7ml +120 mp wrote)

Woolty 08.11.19

Frozen river -_-

Manifold 08.11.19

Christmas time slowly passes and I go back to the passage.
Somewhere in the vastness of the Tamoe Highland, above the runes have not yet seen

Goodbye Mr. Smith!

Wrong class

The name of the belt I remembered immediately, but the fact that he gives a hard

New ring!

The first act to note nothing, that is, it was not more difficult than, say, 5 act normal. Circled in the screenshot sold

Attempt crafting a helmet for a sellsword. Not really, but the alternative with ll I have no

I have a couple of questions. If anyone can comment on - please
1) What minimum should be the level of character to the shopping Nightmare from Ani didn't spawn Normal blades (or Blade Talons Scissors Katar) and, simultaneously, to be able to some of the points to contemplate +3 Traps (prefix Cunning) or +2 Assassin Skills (Witch-Hunter's) automode;
2) What is the probability of the above events?

To be continued...

Heart Carver 08.11.19

Somewhere deposited in the memory, sopit (to Gambling) the cockta recommended nm Elixa. Or is it LLD? In any case, it would be nice to know more about this murky companion

troloko 08.11.19

pagable circley ll at Merak, there are up to 6 ll, still a good stick honor