Hellaflush approved - Toyota bB, 1.5 liter, 2002
03.11.2010 Hurrah! It's done! bB at www.hellaflush.com
One of the most visited thematic portals on the Internet ... blunts the Internet ... and here it is, "a note about your boy, in Murzilka magazine" :D
It is very pleasant that the overseas comrades in the "illness" of Steins appreciated bB at its true worth! I think this is one of the best awards for the work done!
Thanks to Oleg for great photos ;)
fak - I already have!
there are 15 * 10 on the jeep with an offset of -40 like) there is a SHELF! TO THE ELBOW!
Yes, wheels 18) Why already? I've already finished the season for 18, but you noticed ... ah yay yay :)
By the way, I want to say that I saw you for the first time there - I open the Helka and see a bbehu someone posted it and I look - I think a familiar wheelbarrow, somewhere already flashed and then I saw it on the drive. that's it xD
Congratulations! Listen, I’m off topic, of course, but your headlights are sooooo cool, if you suddenly decide to change, knock me in a personal, I won’t stand up for the price :)
chumavoz) it is unrealistic to see enough of it! you can stick for hours * _ *
well, with an initiative chtoli;)
oh, that's worthy of respect! Today I already checked out the note on HF, congratulations!
Congratulations! Got there on merit!
I've been waiting for her to be there for a long time.
Thank you, it's nice to read, yes, I would like to believe that our automotive culture will reach a foreign level!
going to fatlace a couple of days ago,
I would never have thought that a Toyota from Moscow
and not from some city in the USA
is a very worthy project
completed at a foreign level,
I think soon the rest will be equal to this bB