The first serious accident - Toyota Avensis, 1.8 liter, 2008
Well, that's what happened, of course I did not expect it and did not want to, but still as it is.
Gathered money for tuning, and will go right now for repairs.
It all happened at about 00:20
A Skoda Actavia drove into me, with a felt boot at the wheel.
A normal person would start to dodge in the opposite direction from the car, but he didn’t, he began to turn to the right, where I was driving.
He himself admitted his guilt, as he was on the secondary and had to miss.
But as it turned out later that the blame could be transferred to him, he did not immediately realize.
I broke the door, and bent the rear fender.
The middle post turned a little.
Skoda has the entire front under replacement.
Issue price: 40,000 ₽ Mileage: 50,000 km