Trouble! — Toyota Carina ED, 2.0 liter, 1993
Hey! Of course, thanks to everyone for the kind words addressed to my EDeshki, but the irreparable happened! This is just a nightmare for every driver who loves his car and considers it his friend!
December 24, 2010 at 8:15 a.m. there was an accident between EDeshkoy and Taz fifth model! This artiodactyl did not give way to me! Taz escaped with a slight fright so to speak, and my swallow got very well! There is practically no muzzle in the car! Pleases though that the engine seems to be in order!
I don't even know what to do now?! I'll wait for the results of the auto examination, and then I'll decide!
Yes, I also think that I will take everything in the Empire! There, the discounts don't seem to be frail!))))))) That day was not at all happy!
I was driving to work, I saw an accident = (((
if in the auto empire the prices are much cheaper for spare parts than everywhere.
On that day, two or three units were broken in Abakan