Another hemorrhagic — Toyota Starlet, 1.3 liter, 1992
Not for long I was happy with the warmth in the cabin, exactly one day. after installing a new radiator and flooded with new antifreeze, I noticed that the motor starts to terribly terribly, gasped and already works well, then starts to troit again. the next day it stopped troiting, upon arrival home I smelled a burnt smell and saw that the temperature arrow was growing. took out antifreeze poured into the tank. after the engine has cooled down opened the radiator cap and ofigel, it's empty. the result of all that happened concluded that it is necessary to change the gasket under the head. it was also compared with the fact that under the valve cover there is dirt similar to a vein. as I was told this happens after the antifreeze gets inside. The car is at anchor again. I expect a salary and go straight to the store for the necessary consumables. Anyone who can tell me about the case, write, I will be grateful.
Prices for consumables:
New gasket 950r
Antifreeze 4l
500r Carburetor cleaner 800r (2 cans)
a sad story, of course, but before you change the gasket, you need to check the head and block for evenness of the surface, you never know whether the head or block has led ... it’s better to check right away
here is the vital, I also tell him about this ((especially as you say it was overheated ((