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Stove radiator - Toyota Mark II, 2.0L, 1993

Stove radiator - Toyota Mark II 20L 1993

First, the background ... In winter, it turned out that the stove didn’t want to heat in any way, barely cold air was blowing. After many different measures to identify the cause of such a nuisance, it was found out that the heater radiator was simply clogged. Well, I thought I would wait until summer and just without removing it, I would wash it through the pipes. As a result, in May, I found a puddle of antifreeze at the feet of the passenger, which immediately made it clear that the heater radiator was leaking (a standard sore of the 90th bodies). Fate itself sentenced me to the removal of the torpedo and a very unpleasant occupation of replacing the radiator. Well, what can you do, I can't stand the second winter in the cold =)

I finally bought a heater radiator, one of these days I will start replacing it (may God help me).
The event is very time consuming and serious, if possible I will make a photo report.
The radiator itself took a used one, which worked on the previous car. Was removed from there along with all the air conditioner, tk. the car is built for drift.

Price tag: 2 500 ₽
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DeuS 05.12.20

What another! Now there is a sauna in the car!

somebody 05.12.20

God help)
how's a replacement? gave the result?

somebody 05.12.20

yeah read the photo report above) I
take off my hat to you for the work done)

DeuS 05.12.20

Yes, I washed it with all kinds of liquids for 3 days

norbert-91 05.12.20

before installation were they washed?

DeuS 05.12.20

Is it easier to solder and shimpur than just change? Well, well ... 2500 rubles is not that much money at a time

guanna33 05.12.20

it's easier to unleash the old one and about shumpurit costs 500r heats up like a new one