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The long-awaited underbody lighting - Toyota RAV4, 2.4L, 2008

The idea to make the underbody lighting came to me more than two months ago. I consulted a lot (thanks to everyone on the site who had a hand), consulted with people who understand this from our city, as well as with the electricians who will install it for me, and now, I found it on the Internet.

"LED underbody lighting, red, 10 operating modes, remote control. (2 pcs x 120 cm + 2 pcs x 90 cm)"

I ordered it on one site, I probably waited a month. Now it is a very big problem to get something through customs.

And today she came to Volgograd:

The long-awaited underbody lighting - Toyota RAV4 24L 2008

The electricians and I unpacked it (main control unit, 4 tubes, a bunch of wires, remote control, fasteners):

The long-awaited underbody lighting - Toyota RAV4 24L 2008 The long-awaited underbody lighting - Toyota RAV4 24L 2008
Naturally, before placing, you need to figure out the circuit:
The long-awaited underbody lighting - Toyota RAV4 24L 2008

We put wires on the car of one of the electricians, check the operation of the tubes and try the modes:

The long-awaited underbody lighting - Toyota RAV4 24L 2008 The long-awaited underbody lighting - Toyota RAV4 24L 2008

The backlighting will become easy on the back and sides, but in the front you will have to put an iron pipe, cut a hole in it and insert the tube there and fasten it. Painfully, I love driving on roadsides and curbs. The tube seems to be resistant to impacts, but I think to impacts of stones, and not something more serious.

But, this is all on Wednesday 09.09.09. Wait for the reportage from under the bottom!

Price tag: 3 400 ₽ Mileage: 2 420 km
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angelochekml 06.12.20

Diode tape or what? Or a bent pipe?

PS: this Wednesday they put on, I think in the evening I will already write a "report" from under the bottom (I had to add the rowing site and the post in parts)

somebody 06.12.20

When can you see this miracle on an angel? Maybe you shouldn't have taken a diode backlight?

angelochekml 06.12.20

swept away!

somebody 06.12.20

Do not forget to upload. And kickbacks for the idea

angelochekml 06.12.20

I didn't think about it! This is just a cool idea! Perhaps I will do so!

somebody 06.12.20

and I don't like loud music. But, on the other hand, you can shoot a video of the singing machine)

angelochekml 06.12.20

Well xs, but not for me. I drive so that the windows open and I don't like to scare birds

somebody 06.12.20

The last one for real boys)

angelochekml 06.12.20

They just glow, blink at different speeds, blink in waves from the hood to the rear of the car, react to music and something else :)

somebody 06.12.20

And what are the modes?

somebody 06.12.20

Good luck to you!
Take photos! I really want to see!

angelochekml 06.12.20

Do not have time. Set half a day at least. And I will drive off the car in the morning (((

somebody 06.12.20

Listen! I didn’t think that everything was so complicated!

Just give you a report at 09:09 09.09.09 will you post it? =)

Miardo 06.12.20

Class ... we are waiting for a photo report))

ST0UN 06.12.20

way, I also want it but from the LEDs

angelochekml 06.12.20

The hieroglyph on the spare tire is red, the stops are red. Red will look harmonious in my opinion.
In the morning I drove the car away. I will be backlit at the rally

ST0UN 06.12.20

well done, when we see live, why red?

Tembl4 06.12.20

neon is a thing, 5 for you, see how we have done)

somebody 06.12.20

this one that was in the first afterburner

angelochekml 06.12.20

Gas - what is it?
I chose between this and the tape, this one seemed more convenient to me.

somebody 06.12.20

Why did you choose a diode and not a goz one?

somebody 06.12.20

strange that I didn’t see ...

angelochekml 06.12.20

Yes, I never saw one (The scattering angle seems to be larger and the light is not so point-like. I can see on the video that it shines with 4 points (But it's still super1

somebody 06.12.20

www.urban-neon-car-lights… -series-undercar-kit.html smoother

angelochekml 06.12.20

Doesn't apply in any way. They don't touch me :)

somebody 06.12.20

Cool! It will be beautiful! And how does the traffic police relate to this occupation? =) It seems forbidden?

karline 06.12.20

the name is the same! only 7 colors.)

angelochekml 06.12.20

No problem at all.

Alexei-2141i 06.12.20

?, there will be no problems with gay people!

Alexei-2141i 06.12.20

I'm happy for you! ☺
Good luck!