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Pads - Toyota Camry, 2.2 L, 2000

In the spring I heard a creak when braking at low speeds (from 10 to 0 km / h), at first I tried to endure, but when the creak became louder, I could not stand it: it was very annoying. I complained to my friend at the service station, looked at the pads: the front one still had a quarter of the resource, and the rear one - a third. We decided to grind the front discs (drums behind) - it did not help. I decided to change all the pads, because the sound came from all the wheels. I changed it to the original and grinded the drums - at first the creak went everywhere, and then all over again, only in front and quieter. And still it, this disgusting sound, appears and disappears, and neither temperature, nor driving style, nor anything else can explain it. But the good news is that the car began to respond perfectly to the brake pedal.
By the way, while I was interested in this case, I dug up on the Internet about brake discs: the nominal thickness on my model is 28 mm, the minimum is 26 mm. Just in case, I measured it at the moment - 27 mm, calmed down, for 9 years - normal wear and tear.

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NikolayIvanov 07.12.20

Yes, this is a mystery ... if the quality of braking has not decreased and it is just a sound, then it would seem that there is no danger.
consistently excluding reasons: 2 interacting surfaces. on the one side pads and linings, they are replaced, on the other side discs and drums.
Perhaps the quality of the metal on the discs and drums at this depth of wear gives out such a sound (as for example with linings usually). Maybe the cunning Japanese have specially thought out the option of "message" approaching replacement? I doubt it myself…))) hang out on a lift and turn the wheels, purely visually, there can be any limiters. Does the master know the question deeply enough?

b-reaI 07.12.20

The guys seem to be smart ... There is also a suspicion of the material and additives from which the pads are made, both old and new.

b-reaI 07.12.20

I don’t think that everything will go away so quickly, and no one will punish for being late ... =)

msrotor 07.12.20

I'm afraid I won't get to the rally because on Saturday I work until 6.00, and the day off is only Sunday

b-reaI 07.12.20

Thank you for the information, I will definitely come, and maybe we will talk at the rally ...

msrotor 07.12.20

I will tell you from my experience, since I myself work in the car market success, and I sell pads on your car almost every day, you need to put soft pads like Lucas or premium or remza, and the original and Kashiyama are not very normal pads since their composition is solid, especially since your discs are not new but already machined, you don’t know what happened to them before you might have overheated them, jumped into a puddle, you won’t be greased with a groove, at such service life it is better to take soft pads, and the price is not dear and unpleasant no sounds. I think it's better every 20t.km. to change pads for 150-250 UAH, than to buy once for 300, to travel 40t.km. and change disks. In general, decide, I suggested, and then your business ...
If you want to drive up to success, we'll crack it on the spot ...