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Tinting + candles + chassis + Mouzon :) - Toyota Avensis, 1.8 L, 2000

Tinting  candles  chassis  Mouzon  - Toyota Avensis 18 L 2000

Changed stabilizer bushings + stretched the entire chassis. Now there is silence in the car :)
Changed the candles. It became more noticeable to go faster and consumption decreased.
Tinted. Not familiar yet. To pass it back, you have to open the side windows as I don't trust the parking sensors. Although I chose 15% of the film. Maybe it's all a matter of habit.
Well, the most important thing is to change the tape recorder :) I put the radio tape recorder with DVD and monitor.
More details are described here myavensis.ru/archives/475

Mileage: 113,567 km
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KIRILL89 07.12.20

cool! can you congratulate)))) and how much for the chassis laid out, if not a secret? and che changed?

antos 07.12.20

Thank you :)
16 tanks :) These are two stabilizer bushings. I gave five more tanks for the work :) The master is just a good friend ...
And so the chassis was all right and is :)

pingvinchik 07.12.20

and why?
I still don't want to tint the front

KIRILL89 07.12.20

at first kapets how uncomfortable it will be ...

pingvinchik 07.12.20

and do not trust the parking sensors. is he not?
or not because do not trust?

and open the windows because tinting in a circle? is it really so much worse to see? I still can't decide on toning, I'm afraid it will interfere :(

KIRILL89 07.12.20

a lot of people are complex))))

pingvinchik 07.12.20

hmm, it would be because of what to complex =)

KIRILL89 07.12.20

it is better not to tint at all ... but it will be inconvenient because it will be dark and nothing can be seen in the mirrors ... here the person even says to have to open the windows! I personally have not complexed about not tinted cars for a long time))))

pingvinchik 07.12.20


There is a parking sensor, but he does not see everything: (Yes, and in the driving school, they taught to take it back.
And you can get used to toning. I had toning on the last car at times and got used to it somehow :)
And without toning it is so bad as I leave the car in the yard at night.

I also leave in the yard :(

Is the film the same everywhere? and the back glass seems darker in the photo

KIRILL89 07.12.20

well, if in the yard, then without tinting in any way!

antos 07.12.20

There is a parking sensor, but he does not see everything: (Yes, and in the driving school, they taught to take it back.
And you can get used to toning. I had toning on the last car at times and got used to it somehow :)
And without toning it is so bad as I leave the car in the yard at night.

antos 07.12.20

The thing is that the rear windows were tinted from the factory.

avtodiagnostikCHip 07.12.20

Mouzon, if honestly not akhtos ... the sound quality is low but misteryah

antos 07.12.20

I like it) I can set it up successfully or the device is successful)

FireCars 07.12.20

I passed two mafons both marriage

ValeriyZ 07.12.20

About toning here to each his own!
I had the darkest "5" at 9. Super and nice view and cozy in the car - no one is staring at you! And he didn't open the windows - it's all a matter of habit!

Fozzy 07.12.20

Hello, does the radio tape recorder interfere with the stove and the kandishin to manage?

antos 07.12.20

In a fully unfolded and retracted form, it interferes, but there you can move the screen slightly towards yourself (without closing it completely) and control it as you want :)