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a handy thing or a winter necessity ?! - Toyota Corolla, 1.8 L, 2003

Well, that came winter and the first cold, and there were problems ka cold unheated car in the morning at lunchtime and in the evening ...
WHAT to do?
we set the alarm and warm up :)
well, we did it, we buy an alarm with auto warm-up and make the installation, the whole thing went well and everything was like clockwork, but now we ran into a problem ... the
native PPC immobilizer now stuck the whole installation took 4 hours of work and then this immobilizer be he not okay, in the end we were busy with him from 1.30 to 5.00 in the morning, but everything went well! :)
in the process, when I removed the front console, the devices were worn (where the radio is) I saw a bunch of wires, it's just really LOT, in the end my friend concluded that once there was something decent from music, because all these wires from that series, under the passenger's rug, there is also a whole skein and at the end of the wires, we found 1 small block about the size of a matchbox and under the passenger seat a large block like old video cassettes is only slightly thicker.
2 hidden antennas ...

a handy thing or a winter necessity   - Toyota Corolla 18 L 2003a handy thing or a winter necessity   - Toyota Corolla 18 L 2003

I just can't understand the Japanese it is necessary to shoot then all this?
the car came on a straight line from japan isn’t it so hard not to touch and leave everything in place?
signaling is installed, everything superfluous has been removed, now cleanliness and order + have removed a kilogram of 10 from all those pre-blues :)
and before I was annoyed by the slight rattling in the bordeaux area, now this is not, apparently the wires and the block touched something

a handy thing or a winter necessity   - Toyota Corolla 18 L 2003a handy thing or a winter necessity   - Toyota Corolla 18 L 2003a handy thing or a winter necessity   - Toyota Corolla 18 L 2003a handy thing or a winter necessity   - Toyota Corolla 18 L 2003a handy thing or a winter necessity   - Toyota Corolla 18 L 2003 Price tag: 5 200 ₽
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tea-station 07.12.20

this is the work of SCH_SCH

yakov 07.12.20

thanks :)
time really killed kapets skoleo ...

Evic 07.12.20

I can't imagine a car without autorun! 0_0

For the fact that he was confused by the offset!

yakov 07.12.20

in the key chip.
you need to glue it to the keyhole

egortimofeyev003 07.12.20

I have a problem with immo. Immo has blocked the car. The key does not see. What to do? And where is he even going to be?

egortimofeyev003 07.12.20

Corolla Luxel car 2003 1.8