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Pink again) - Toyota Celica, 2.0 L, 1996

He has a pink motor)

Pink again - Toyota Celica 20 L 1996
Pink again - Toyota Celica 20 L 1996
on yellow Plum))
Pink again - Toyota Celica 20 L 1996

And here is another pink brother - baby Yaris)

Pink again - Toyota Celica 20 L 1996

I like how 2 JDM cars look side by side)

Pink again - Toyota Celica 20 L 1996

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Korolevskaya666 08.12.20

I would gladly drive her (on your pink turbo baby) with you)))

Lutskov 08.12.20

straight papilla)))) machine!

TossyRaccoon 08.12.20

cool selection =)

Ann-Sky32 08.12.20

I have a VC in general about 200 photos of different pink cars)) The whole is good!)