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Spacers + nuts - Toyota Celica, 1.8L, 2003

Preparations for the summer are
in progress :) We plan to order Ichiba spacers in early March. While still thinking about leaving. Discs with offset +48, ​​standard offset +38, I plan to put 20 mm spacers on the front and 25mm on the back.

Spacers  nuts - Toyota Celica 18L 2003

The price tag for the spacers is not cheap, but they are high quality.

For beauty, I also want to buy gadgets, long ones. But for flights the price tag is greatly inflated, from 6500. Maybe someone knows where to get it cheaper, at least around 4500?

Spacers  nuts - Toyota Celica 18L 2003
Spacers  nuts - Toyota Celica 18L 2003

Alternatively ...
Flip93 advised TPR nuts, among all the choice fell on this model:

Spacers  nuts - Toyota Celica 18L 2003

There was a month left to think about the departure and about the nuts. Of course, the opinions of readers are interesting.

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Konstantinov 15.12.20

cute 18 5x100 is generally hard to find, and 75% of them with a departure of +48 and +50, for a Subaru :(
here R17 the choice is already more interesting

aka-mazai 15.12.20

by the way ... why can't you take the disks with a departure right away ?!

Konstantinov 15.12.20

I didn’t find long ones at all with a red hole 1.5 :(

aka-mazai 15.12.20

on Japanese auctions I think you can find cheaper

Konstantinov 15.12.20

why jeep?
for example, this is +30, with a width of 7.5
I have a disk width of 7

Jussi 15.12.20

tin ... and you will have a departure of +28 in the front and +23 in the back ... what are you doing a jeep or do you put watermelons like on sixes?
put spacers 10-15mm, just change the studs and there will be happiness ...

Konstantinov 15.12.20

TPR - forged from high strength steel, Rays - duralumin.
about D1, etc. I know. :(

Jussi 15.12.20

aluminum nuts are evil ... so many times our people screwed them together with a hairpin ... the
only proven option is famous Japanese wheel brands and these
the rest of the Chinese crafts have a screw thread after 2 -3 twists ...

Konstantinov 15.12.20

yes, there is more question about the choice of nuts :)

Type-Sakh 15.12.20

Departure and spacers are best selected with a ruler, so to speak. Then it will be possible to get "into the arch", and not behind it))

Getfox 15.12.20

They have been living with duralumin for the 2nd season and everything is ok ...
He wrote above that all normal wheels at auction with a subaru flight ... 48-52 ...

Artuhoff 15.12.20

For the choice of nuts mega respect. Only here the price bites go? And how will the hubs live with spacers, or rather how long will they live? And about the disc, maybe it is worth taking discs with a smaller overhang, but with small shelves on the rim, especially since it is fashionable; 0