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So I stuck in the racks. - Toyota Carina ED, 2.0 L, 1994

So I stuck in the racks  - Toyota Carina ED 20 L 1994

Friends said, they say you can't do it yourself ... In general, nothing complicated. The former were killed in the trash. I drove like a rattle. Now I'm not happy. The beauty. The next step is to replace the front. But for now they are dozen.

So I stuck in the racks  - Toyota Carina ED 20 L 1994So I stuck in the racks  - Toyota Carina ED 20 L 1994So I stuck in the racks  - Toyota Carina ED 20 L 1994So I stuck in the racks  - Toyota Carina ED 20 L 1994So I stuck in the racks  - Toyota Carina ED 20 L 1994So I stuck in the racks  - Toyota Carina ED 20 L 1994So I stuck in the racks  - Toyota Carina ED 20 L 1994So I stuck in the racks  - Toyota Carina ED 20 L 1994So I stuck in the racks  - Toyota Carina ED 20 L 1994So I stuck in the racks  - Toyota Carina ED 20 L 1994So I stuck in the racks  - Toyota Carina ED 20 L 1994
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TrDeMaN24 18.12.20

with a set of tools, a garage and a "handful of seeds" it is not so difficult, and even if a friend helps, this is a trifling matter! keep an estimate

At the expense of a trifling matter, I agree. Thank you

TrDeMaN24 18.12.20

It was all there. Didn't come under the gaze of the lens ...

banshee 18.12.20

Forgot another beer) Or lemonade - according to preferences =)

somebody 18.12.20

with a set of tools, a garage and a "handful of seeds" it is not so difficult, and even if a friend helps, this is a trifling matter! keep an estimate

TrDeMaN24 18.12.20

Yes, I really did not look closely at the springs. Initially not going to change. In my opinion, there is enough rigidity. But, if necessary, there is one "kulibin". Makes to order. Verified by the people. There were no complaints. And for the money I can clarify

BS-m 18.12.20

well done! and nowhere on sale have I seen springs, do you want them to be there again?

Paramon 18.12.20

Nothing complicated, the main thing is to keep warm.