What was replaced ... - Toyota Vista, 2.2 L, 1997
Well. Here is a list of costs for a car:
1. Toyota Vista 30000 rubles
2. Front fenders- 2 pcs. 3904.01 rubles
3. Anthers of the engine compartment-2 pcs. 2952.08 rubles
4. Front engine mount 1268.28 rubles
5. Rear engine mount 1172.23 rubles
6. Engine support 430.22 rubles
7. V-ribbed belts-2 pcs. RUB 576.47
8. Saylenblok half of the front lever-2 pcs. 397.14rub
9. O-ring 70.98rub
10. Gasket of the exhaust pipe 48.47rub
11. Steering rack 4500rub
12. Timing rollers-2pcs 1750rub
13. Suspended bearing 1200rub
14. Tensioner roller 74rub
15. Brake calipers-2pcs. 6000 rubles
16. Brake shoes-2
pieces 900 rubles Total: 55243.88 rubles!
Much more was expected! Hallelujah!
PS SHRUS is not included in the list, tk. bought by the former owner of the car.