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Rolling arches Mazda 3

What if the rubber rubs on the arch in underestimation of the car or when you install spacers?Rolling arches Mazda 3There are 2 options out of the situation:
1. bend the edges of the arch
2. riding the wing up to a certain limit (with defined consequences:)

Given the fact that the contact of the rubber with the metal edge of the arch (wiped the paint and stripes of the sealant), the owner of three Alexander identified second path.
The car on the Jack, rascati arches on the hub:Rolling arches Mazda 3the Edge of the rear arches and a wide horizontal:Rolling arches Mazda 3wing Shape outside itself:Rolling arches Mazda 3Machine screws, because the wheel was able to push just under the beamRolling arches Mazda 3Defined by the range of uncoiling:Rolling arches Mazda 3Rolling arches Mazda 3Adjusting the fender roller to bend the edge and attach itself to the outside wing on мм6 (from Mazda wing moves):Rolling arches Mazda 3Front edge, where no one gets physically rascati, buckled rubber mallet, wrapping it with a cloth:Rolling arches Mazda 3the Transition to the front:Rolling arches Mazda 3the Factory plastic liner behind the ears-attaching the fender liner:Rolling arches Mazda 3Rolling arches Mazda 3Heated and plastic liner deforming it up, and the paintwork of the wing:Rolling arches Mazda 3the Front wing also took out mm for 6, in addition to the bend edge:Rolling arches Mazda 3a Cartoon about Prostokvashino remember?
About the photography:)Rolling arches Mazda 3
17"x8/9 now runs quietly.
It is possible and to twist the screws down:)

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SonderMann 07.08.19

On the days of morals... the generation gap... Gap in understanding... Fashion and style are not standing still ;) Your time been a fashionable one shoes, and in our others :)
Not be ageing before your time ;) Fouled STENS! =)

Flagship 07.08.19


Of course. What kind of fools shoes invented. You can also galoshes to dissect! Universal generally well theme ;)

Yes, only it's not shoes you do not galoshes. this men's shoes women's heels with uppers from the boots, to use your analogy. i.e., devoid of the sense crap. this is usually very popular with the teenagers who, as we know from history, they always manage to enrage those who are older. sometimes their youth and energy, and sometimes podtashnivaet "creativity", like what you are doing with their cars.

SonderMann 07.08.19

I would call it "tremble, but hold a style" ;)

ProvoRUS 07.08.19

Do not confuse soft with sour, galoshes or shoes — just a different style, this is a vast field for styling. But if you have a size 43, you don't wear a 45, or 39 for the fingers not cut... and then just about the same approach — apply curl often Polemonium, but ARMAAN...

SonderMann 07.08.19

Of course. What kind of fools shoes invented. You can also galoshes to dissect! Universal generally well theme ;)

ProvoRUS 07.08.19


installing spacers is beautiful in my opinion
the car looks wider, sportier than
a recessed in the arches and thin wheels are not the car decoration

Well basically the wheels and not for car decoration invented, they have another. a little more useful and important function.

boloto-hod 07.08.19

Try to separate flies from cutlets.
-the author puts wheels on your car in excess of factory settings, and does so only for aesthetic reasons, where a word that he wants to get this action improved driving performance of the car?
-an example that show all came from racing-it is a fact, good or bad life is chatter.
-how long have I seen diagonal tyres? c2n.me/3EpkGGD
your bragging knowledge is personally your understanding of written. To ensure General literacy of the people in this issue sufficiently to come to any tire service and 9 out of 10 people you'll hear what drives them on the car 13,14,15,16... radius!If we go further to indexes of speed and load capacity there still worse. Metric or inch designation depends on the market and the system of measures adopted on it.
If you are a guardian and autosportlive )))) specify the parameters for rally(where speed handling, energy consumption, different coating including weak soils) and contrast this suspension dragaway(where maximum hook and acceleration in a straight line for a short stretch) or suspension for drifting (where the eversion, minimal buildup)-all this is embodied in hardware that forms character and style of the car.
Why did you decide that the world around you must conform to your representation of him? There are many opinions different from yours and they all have the right to exist.

Flagship 07.08.19

you understand that in sports cars gather first, often from scratch, the suspension, and then choose the wheels and tires? the examples that you showed, not a good life choice really was not. regular wheel "of cosmic" so narrow that it's okay to collect on them just the tires a little wider difficult. just buy other wheels to factory workers, as you know, was nowhere. please note that they have worked to expand the arch and clowning in the style of the wiping of the tread on the edges of the wings were not engaged.
interestingly, the last time you saw live diagonal tyres? they are not available for cars for 30 years. for spec.equipment for kadrikov — Yes, there are almost all tyres diagonal, only in the marking there is usually no letter "D" and a hyphen, and the width and height are denoted by different — height is denoted in percentages, like on tires, and in centimeters or inches and not through slash and "x", for example "20x10-12", not "20/50D12" and no data on speed and load, required for tires. to brag in our days the knowledge that "R" is not a "radius" is in the nature of bias tires that, as be weak in the eyes of the engineer, it's like saying that instead of the gas pedal there is a lever on the steering wheel. well, it was more than 100 years ago, why mention it today? in addition, if you are really so "special", then why call wheels "discs"? the drive is only part of the wheel which has the rim and sides.
composite wheel, by the way — a pure show-off nowadays. appeared in times when the production wheels were not available cold forging, requiring large and expensive presses, so doing forged a solid rim in the form of a ring, which is much easier to make, and it bolts fastened to a cast Board and drive. given some gain in strength of the rim, but the mass remained as casting high. of course, when there was a fully forged wheel, sports got rid of the "Assembly", as from a relic. now they are only found in a collectable sports cars, like Countach or f-40. or pontorezov because they look cool. well, for those not in the subject or who only women to bars to roll (which, in itself, will agree, not bad at all). simply do not need to bring Motorsport.

boloto-hod 07.08.19


and in my opinion — this is "cross-tuning" and other "nightmares on the streets of AVTOVAZ". disks-"watermelons" on 21099 with rushing from behind the tinted windshield of the "radio chanson" — this is exactly 0 sports and beauty. you are doing with their machines the same. I'm not talking about "sticking" the wheel to change the shoulder running and the machines rulyatsya sucks bad keep the straight. engineering is being sacrificed to a dubious embellishment.


sports cars look very different:


track width are due to the spacers, but because the suspension is quite different. and sticking out of the standard dimensions of the body of the wheels hiding in the arches. and your cars they RUB the fenders in the same sports as in shoes on high heels or cap the airfield.

wide wheels and how they show all came from racing
I think that ralista and koltsevik understand what they are doing when provisioning the machine, which forced the engine to improve handling and hook.
it was in that time a decent selection of rubber? or disks 2-x 3-x composite? forged? Now many people do not know what the letter R in the marking of rubber and are very surprised when instead R is D.

SonderMann 07.08.19

Mutually =)

Flagship 07.08.19

Yes, not what it "boiling". it is beset by problems of a completely different persuasion. good luck to you! =)

SonderMann 07.08.19

Hmm... I See that I am :) actually, I do not advocate radical solutions in the form of inside-out sides of the tires and Smoking the arches, peel rubber. So I understand You ;)
I am a supporter of sanity and balance in all sorts of "movements". To overdo it in the "race of arms" is not my method. I have everything in moderation ;)

Flagship 07.08.19

thank you, no. I'm the ideological fighter with this phenomenon, if you will. I was fond of tuning 10 years ago, everything I did was aimed at the result — the speed, the handling. what you do is the exact opposite. I like that you put a large, nice wheels. but it's annoying that so thoughtlessly, for the sake of dubious aesthetics, understate and pass to the outside wheel. the more a shame that would turn out amazing cars, and go some monsters, unable to pass a speed bump, losing directional stability and breaks own arch on the irregularities of the thickness of a match. sports? nooo! it's ridiculous. same crap, like pants with matney to his knees. I hope this ugly fashion on departure with the understatement of the pass, as were ugly pants, boots with pointed toes, purses and other disgusting stuff.

SonderMann 07.08.19


and in my opinion — this is "cross-tuning" and other "nightmares on the streets of AVTOVAZ". disks-"watermelons" on 21099 with rushing from behind the tinted windshield of the "radio chanson" — this is exactly 0 sports and beauty. you are doing with their machines the same. I'm not talking about "sticking" the wheel to change the shoulder running and the machines rulyatsya sucks bad keep the straight. engineering is being sacrificed to a dubious embellishment.


sports cars look very different:


track width are due to the spacers, but because the suspension is quite different. and sticking out of the standard dimensions of the body of the wheels hiding in the arches. and your cars they RUB the fenders in the same sports as in shoes on high heels or cap the airfield.

Stop reading magazine shit written by old farts who ride the trolley! And make the last stens! XD

Flagship 07.08.19

then I have nothing against it =) protested the word "sport". I have the right! =)

RomanMers 07.08.19

totally agree with You!
glamour and flaunt!:)

Flagship 07.08.19

I went to the wrc in Cyprus. I was able to go on their start and izlasit them inside out, sfotatsya with solberga, but under the hood was not given to climb. they go on the road in almost continuous drift, absolutely ridiculous, incredible, impossible speed. any normal driver, if you were them, instantly get into the wall in the first turn. their machines are more like the trainers in the gym. they are very roughly assembled, everywhere grind rough welds, cold-worked sheet metal, between the spoiler and the body of the gap 2 of the finger and the edges are trimmed with a coarse file. they are not refined. inside is quite dirty and as clumsy collected. no frills. your car is definitely not sporty, she's the exact opposite of it — the glamour, flaunt, the deterioration of behavior on the road.

RomanMers 07.08.19

how few pictures of sports cars You saw on the Internet...

Flagship 07.08.19


installing spacers is beautiful in my opinion
the car looks wider, sportier than
a recessed in the arches and thin wheels are not the car decoration

and in my opinion — this is "cross-tuning" and other "nightmares on the streets of AVTOVAZ". disks-"watermelons" on 21099 with rushing from behind the tinted windshield of the "radio chanson" — this is exactly 0 sports and beauty. you are doing with their machines the same. I'm not talking about "sticking" the wheel to change the shoulder running and the machines rulyatsya sucks bad keep the straight. engineering is being sacrificed to a dubious embellishment.


sports cars look very different:


track width are due to the spacers, but because the suspension is quite different. and sticking out of the standard dimensions of the body of the wheels hiding in the arches. and your cars they RUB the fenders in the same sports as in shoes on high heels or cap the airfield.

SonderMann 07.08.19

Not so bad if in moderation. Of course the laws of physics, like the facts — a stubborn thing. But not thick spacers (15 mm) will not cause such destructive consequences instantly. Yes, the online of wheel bearings and other suspension components it will affect, but not critical. Nevertheless, it is worth doing the amendment.

I use thin spacers (15 mm) for the third season. The final departure of emergency. So far no complaints. Negative changes in management are not seen. So much to not dissuade.

Lirik2 07.08.19

Did not try that? To be smarter than the laws of physics? Or tried to fly off the road due to the loss of drivability? Thank you, somehow there is no desire to even try.

SonderMann 07.08.19


As well as installation of shims changes the point of application of the forces acting on the suspension . As a result, the calculations of designers who designed the suspension on this vehicle, are in one place. The consequences can be very disastrous, up to the destruction of individual suspension components and loss of control of the vehicle. Read for review — a fairly well chewed avtoshyna.info/diski/index.php

So generally speaking those who have never tried it ;)

Lirik2 07.08.19

So I comment about spacers did change the flight. The transition to a larger radius and greater width of the disc ( within reason) nothing in change departure has not))

PS the Disks are restored just fine. Beauty!

RomanMers 07.08.19

I'm talking about more
due to this phenomenon in the automotive world as the tuning
there is a demand for this beauty:
not on stock wheels still

Lirik2 07.08.19

The diameter of the wheel to the escape wheel is what attitude? The diameter changes from 15 to 17 with the same flight does not change the point of force application and the load on the nodes.

RomanMers 07.08.19


As well as installation of shims changes the point of application of the forces acting on the suspension . As a result, the calculations of designers who designed the suspension on this vehicle, are in one place. The consequences can be very disastrous, up to the destruction of individual suspension components and loss of control of the vehicle. Read for review — a fairly well chewed avtoshyna.info/diski/index.php

afraid of wolves - in the woods not to go
tuning be afraid to ride on the factory tag:)

Flagship 07.08.19


Lirik2 07.08.19


installing spacers is beautiful in my opinion
the car looks wider, sportier than
a recessed in the arches and thin wheels are not the car decoration

As well as installation of shims changes the point of application of the forces acting on the suspension . As a result, the calculations of designers who designed the suspension on this vehicle, are in one place. The consequences can be very disastrous, up to the destruction of individual suspension components and loss of control of the vehicle. Read for review — a fairly well chewed avtoshyna.info/diski/index.php

artemv110 07.08.19


installing spacers is beautiful in my opinion
the car looks wider, sportier than
a recessed in the arches and thin wheels are not the car decoration


svitlak 07.08.19


RomanMers 07.08.19

installing spacers is beautiful in my opinion
the car looks wider, sportier than
a recessed in the arches and thin wheels are not the car decoration

Otvinta 07.08.19

"What if the rubber rubs on the arch in underestimation of the car or when you install the spacers?" — not to do stuff!

Ams1erdam 07.08.19

everything is so neatly) cool!

brightfuture 07.08.19

new skunk in the car — be sure to update the border! xD

opasternak 07.08.19


you would be a belt how to pour, Kulibin Cueva)

for -50 springs for your spanking would be the difference)))

SonderMann 07.08.19


RomanMers 07.08.19

I agree
a little hit:)

axl777 07.08.19

you would be a belt how to pour, Kulibin Cueva)

RomanMers 07.08.19

the word of the client - the law

Insaid 07.08.19

rolling never saw. bent Kant... well, we hammer it usually is folded around so as not Ter...

Dreykon 07.08.19


in short, the FARM next

Judging by your BJ, dear, you even have to farm hands did not reach? I can only comment on? Fellow author, there is something to ponder!

SonderMann 07.08.19

Romchik is not limited. People said that the farm, then the farm! ;)

RomanMers 07.08.19

in AMG there is a manual on the bend of the wing leading edge on the w124
the same steps I already carry to many brands of cars

tsap66 07.08.19

in short, the FARM next

ProtecDRIVE2 07.08.19

he (reactor) for the wing cling?

Dreykon 07.08.19

Comment has been deleted

I recently helped a nuclear reactor to repair the submarine. So I even have an award I wanted to present. When I woke up, however, was very angry...

pershinvlvl 07.08.19

Great! Well done, I also have. And about the collective farm singing vegetables)))

vodila-den 07.08.19

do not argue)

NadoeliNiki 07.08.19


Work is good, apparently the author is trying to do the right thing, the approach is visible, the work too... But I always wonder.and why is that? What is the purpose? Stand out from the crowd?To be below all?-dad always taught growing up, and you down. I write not for the resentment of the author, no, technically done a difficult job.

Always understood the phrase.Yes, I have the engine under the hood of five litas, I'll get you. Is the purpose to make someone with a traffic light? Or have the power under the hood in case to steal a car in an emergency situation? When you know that your power can be dangerous for others...

What is the meaning of the left, the rollings? To be wider and lower? Or to be a white horse in the herd of the herd on the road, Stobie noticed only you? And noticed what?

Lyrics and inexplicable facts which hardly anyone will answer.

The author's respect for the right technical approach, without a hammer and welding!

At least for my own pleasure)
What's wrong with stand out from the crowd? I think life would be boring if all people were alike as two drops of water)

JagdpanzerE100 07.08.19


Work is good, apparently the author is trying to do the right thing, the approach is visible, the work too... But I always wonder.and why is that? What is the purpose? Stand out from the crowd?To be below all?-dad always taught growing up, and you down. I write not for the resentment of the author, no, technically done a difficult job.

Always understood the phrase.Yes, I have the engine under the hood of five litas, I'll get you. Is the purpose to make someone with a traffic light? Or have the power under the hood in case to steal a car in an emergency situation? When you know that your power can be dangerous for others...

What is the meaning of the left, the rollings? To be wider and lower? Or to be a white horse in the herd of the herd on the road, Stobie noticed only you? And noticed what?

Lyrics and inexplicable facts which hardly anyone will answer.

The author's respect for the right technical approach, without a hammer and welding!

Wide tires = grip, coilovers = more stiffness = stability in turns.
Low ground clearance = less buildup.

In fact, everything went from Motorsport, but as with any popular movement, why kultiverade into a strange subculture to fanaticism =)

Dmitry310 07.08.19


Work is good, apparently the author is trying to do the right thing, the approach is visible, the work too... But I always wonder.and why is that? What is the purpose? Stand out from the crowd?To be below all?-dad always taught growing up, and you down. I write not for the resentment of the author, no, technically done a difficult job.

Always understood the phrase.Yes, I have the engine under the hood of five litas, I'll get you. Is the purpose to make someone with a traffic light? Or have the power under the hood in case to steal a car in an emergency situation? When you know that your power can be dangerous for others...

What is the meaning of the left, the rollings? To be wider and lower? Or to be a white horse in the herd of the herd on the road, Stobie noticed only you? And noticed what?

Lyrics and inexplicable facts which hardly anyone will answer.

The author's respect for the right technical approach, without a hammer and welding!

I think this is all done in the first place for yourself and for your own satisfaction.)) Someone like the car below, someone higher and so on, the Man did as he wanted and as he likes)))

vodila-den 07.08.19

Dear, the author was not present and his writings your description, read carefully. For the works of the author only pay homage and respect. My question was and text on the other)

pokatusher 07.08.19


Work is good, apparently the author is trying to do the right thing, the approach is visible, the work too... But I always wonder.and why is that? What is the purpose? Stand out from the crowd?To be below all?-dad always taught growing up, and you down. I write not for the resentment of the author, no, technically done a difficult job.

Always understood the phrase.Yes, I have the engine under the hood of five litas, I'll get you. Is the purpose to make someone with a traffic light? Or have the power under the hood in case to steal a car in an emergency situation? When you know that your power can be dangerous for others...

What is the meaning of the left, the rollings? To be wider and lower? Or to be a white horse in the herd of the herd on the road, Stobie noticed only you? And noticed what?

Lyrics and inexplicable facts which hardly anyone will answer.

The author's respect for the right technical approach, without a hammer and welding!

Dear, any hobby so you can abstrat.

vodila-den 07.08.19

For works of the author to make the praise!

tractoristST 07.08.19


Work is good, apparently the author is trying to do the right thing, the approach is visible, the work too... But I always wonder.and why is that? What is the purpose? Stand out from the crowd?To be below all?-dad always taught growing up, and you down. I write not for the resentment of the author, no, technically done a difficult job.

Always understood the phrase.Yes, I have the engine under the hood of five litas, I'll get you. Is the purpose to make someone with a traffic light? Or have the power under the hood in case to steal a car in an emergency situation? When you know that your power can be dangerous for others...

What is the meaning of the left, the rollings? To be wider and lower? Or to be a white horse in the herd of the herd on the road, Stobie noticed only you? And noticed what?

Lyrics and inexplicable facts which hardly anyone will answer.

The author's respect for the right technical approach, without a hammer and welding!

It's simple — the goal is the interest and enjoyment. People like to strain to do something, then to enjoy the result. Just someone with a jigsaw to cut someone in the garden grows a watermelon, and there are a huge number of people who pick their car.

vodila-den 07.08.19

Will support your idea and description.

mikolka20053 07.08.19


Work is good, apparently the author is trying to do the right thing, the approach is visible, the work too... But I always wonder.and why is that? What is the purpose? Stand out from the crowd?To be below all?-dad always taught growing up, and you down. I write not for the resentment of the author, no, technically done a difficult job.

Always understood the phrase.Yes, I have the engine under the hood of five litas, I'll get you. Is the purpose to make someone with a traffic light? Or have the power under the hood in case to steal a car in an emergency situation? When you know that your power can be dangerous for others...

What is the meaning of the left, the rollings? To be wider and lower? Or to be a white horse in the herd of the herd on the road, Stobie noticed only you? And noticed what?

Lyrics and inexplicable facts which hardly anyone will answer.

The author's respect for the right technical approach, without a hammer and welding!

Buy powerful cars perhaps because they want to get a buzz from driving the car, feel it in the turns ( not spin "cotton" doughnut called the wheel ) and don't want to carry a ...PP from A to B, and do it with ease and pleasure . Stand out from the crowd — someone wants someone do not care and goes on regular "gray" goods as that of the neighbor ( by the way, now the car manufacturers in my opinion and decided, because the form — one brand from another is not different ), and someone wants only approaching his car from smile . Reminded me of the issues the film "what men talk About" A. Kortnev in the beginning ... "why ?" probably because we are all different and different in everything !

vodila-den 07.08.19

Well, only in a good way!

RomanMers 07.08.19

all right
this phrase is the slogan of one of my favorite resources lowerandwider.com/

vodila-den 07.08.19

Work is good, apparently the author is trying to do the right thing, the approach is visible, the work too... But I always wonder.and why is that? What is the purpose? Stand out from the crowd?To be below all?-dad always taught growing up, and you down. I write not for the resentment of the author, no, technically done a difficult job.

Always understood the phrase.Yes, I have the engine under the hood of five litas, I'll get you. Is the purpose to make someone with a traffic light? Or have the power under the hood in case to steal a car in an emergency situation? When you know that your power can be dangerous for others...

What is the meaning of the left, the rollings? To be wider and lower? Or to be a white horse in the herd of the herd on the road, Stobie noticed only you? And noticed what?

Lyrics and inexplicable facts which hardly anyone will answer.

The author's respect for the right technical approach, without a hammer and welding!

abE1404 07.08.19

Well, good vanity for reflection and spending time, nerves and money. About the spacers — is the total damage minus the pocket. This time can be spent on a wide selection of rims and tires — such a variety that only try. The procedure bend the edges alerted: "about 6 mm", but where is the precision, again all by eye. The body consists of a stamped component, and even stretched the paint. And given that the body in motion "plays", where is the guarantee that the stamping will not play in the opposite direction, and the paint will not crack. Although for the sake of beauty and fun albeit short-lived, the women here are too Boobs silicone pumped, etc."exercise" do we get the progress and setbacks that call: "God bless us crazy."

v-moz 07.08.19

The action itself is mediocre, but not much happens. Those who are going to repeat these things on your machine will be useful to read.

BarakudaKrivbas 07.08.19

Rubber don't need this size sport. Give a skidon krivoyrog.dnp.olx.ua/obya...8-215-45-r17-IDeWGCo.html

AndreyJa 07.08.19

Salam! 1.5 years ago, the kid is somewhere on Vakhitova after the filling station in the direction of 1 a/d on-Board computer rode.

SaN-NTa 07.08.19

hi, land!look where the arch we roll out?

AndreyJa 07.08.19

Handsome! Ride the flow is not an option!

Supreme-x7 07.08.19

I also need to roll out)but I don't know who our city is doing this is normal)

Jormani 07.08.19

A great idea was thrown from the front wheel arch liners👍