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Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2

Frosty morning. Clouds of vapor on the exhale. Flashing yellow "Solaris-taxi". Yes, again the airport. On tests of new tyres of the Russian brand with a foreign name I left with mixed feelings. On the one hand, I've never been in Armenia. On the other — there were doubts that the new product will be able to surprise me. All hopes were on nature and the kitchen...

The choice of winter tyres I approach it responsibly. If possible, test them on their own, but also guided and comparative tests. What? First of all, from the Finnish organization Test World, because they involve so-called "Nordic" tires, not "Alpine" (designed for "near-zero" eurosime). From the Russian tests – "Behind the wheel" and "Auto Revue", with the only clarification that you look not at the final assessment, and for individual parameters. When forming the final assessment of each indicator has a certain weight in the overall assessment, but this is a subjective factor.

By themselves, the rates that are fixed special equipment, already give a good picture. Braking and acceleration dynamics on ice, snow and asphalt, handling (lap time), acoustic comfort... just have to try the numbers on their operating conditions, and it will be clear what should you buy — in each case.

For example, if you like (and are able) to drive fast on the pavement, live in Moscow, the "studding" you don't need — in any case it will be noisier on the pavement and lose handling the majority of the friction of the tires. Reverse — if you live in the boonies, and your roads icy ruts, snow, mush. In such cases, without the "my" is not enough, and the noise on the pavement — it tenth. That's why it's so funny to read the reviews and comments on the unconditional superiority of a particular bus over the competition in principle, in all road conditions and in all respects. This simply can not be, in any case, in the real world. It is also worth considering that tires of the same model but different model years may have, for example, substantial differences in the rubber compound – and in both directions.

However, for the Nordic studded tire standard can be called models of the Finnish brand Nokian. It seems so considered and Cordiant, giving Armenian test the BMW 1 and 3 series, and Mercedes E-class, shod in tires Cordiant Snow Cross and Snow Cross 2, Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 and 8 and Dunlop SP Winter Ice 02. That's a bold comparison! There is no dirty trick? During the tire I carefully examined all the sets of tires. They were completely new, no signs of wear or non-standard modifications. A small caveat — the test tires Snow Cross 2. to call the standard is impossible, we are talking about engineering samples made only a week ago. The development of this bus is still in progress (and in cooperation with the European Institute), and it will appear in the autumn of 2018. Today's trials – the first meeting for journalists and producers – the opportunity to hear expert opinion about the behavior of the pre-production tires.

What distinguishes the new from SnowCross, launched in 2013, and in 2015 has undergone a replacement of the rubber compound on the new, wider temperature range (+5 to -53 degrees)? First of all, this is a new (still unidirectional) tread pattern with wide longitudinal grooves and layers of lamellae. The results of the internal tests at the site Test World in Ivalo and the Dmitrov polygon, a new pattern contributes to a significant increase of resistance to splashing, ie, "the ascent" in the mixed doubles and porridge. Anyway, in theory.

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

If you look at the picture Snow Cross 2 more closely, we can see some distant similarities with Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8. If you remember that the first Snow Cross was also "elusive" is similar to the Finnish tyre of the seventh generation, then it becomes obvious that our tire manufacturers are not shy to "learn from experience" from the market leaders.

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However, we are not talking about direct copying — rather, the use of the idea. Differences in the pattern abound. And Snow Cross 2 is a lateral lugs — a purely Russian specificity, familiar truck tire solution, facilitating the exit of the track and storm the borders.

There is a wear indicator with two digits instead of three from Nokian.

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

To make similar to Nokian tread pattern — does not mean to do the same at the tire. Plays a huge role design, rubber compound. To ensure that the protector was fairly supple in the cold, and the carcass is stiff at high speed, requires a number of costly technical solutions are not cheap and the raw materials that need to be purchased abroad. The guys from Cordiant assure that new tires a sufficient amount imported from Asia are not cheap silica and canola oil to softness in the frost you can compare Snow Cross 2 with the best tires on the market (which is twice as expensive).

From Snow Cross 2. there will be new spikes, but the competition for their development is not yet complete, so that test samples zasobovani the "old" spike Spike-Cor. Studing the scheme envisages the simultaneous presence of ten spines in the contact patch. However, to compete here with Nokian will not work even in theory — at that time, as manufacturers will be capped at 60 spikes per linear meter, and the total number of spikes on a tire of standard size does not exceed hundreds, have received their... 190! The Finns managed to prove that even with an increased number of spikes Hakkapeliitta causes the permissible level of wear of the roadway. Methodology rationale many competitors seem controversial, but either way, the increase in the number of spikes – the first way to improve the performance of tyres on ice.

Well, enough theory, let's ride. Initially, tests, organizers had cleared the mountain lake, but due to the sudden warming the ice has melted, and the races were moved to two locations. Measurement of braking distances can be carried out on ice and not treated with salt or chemicals street of the resort town of Jermuk, famous for its mineral springs.

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

The test procedure is simple. Three sets of tyres (Hakkapeliitta 8, Cordiant Snow Cross 1 and 2) are mounted alternately on a BMW 318i, then held a series of six arrivals on the same stretch of icy road. Set of 60 kilometers per hour, braking in half. Measuring complex Racelogic signal when reaching the desired speed, and then detects the braking distance from 40 km / h to 5 km / h Then the results of each tire clipped the best and the worst calculated the average. The results of the measurements — Hakkapeliitta 8 — 189 m, Cordiant Snow Cross 1 — 18.4 m, Snow Cross 2 — 17.8 m

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

What does it all mean? Only that on this particular icy road when braking from low speeds all the tires showed itself quite equally, the scatter of results can be explained by the nuances of coverage and trajectory. The road, though covered with ice, still has a different coating on different sites and choose the location of the vehicle relative to the center of the road or the starting point of braking can provide significant scatter of results. Re-froze Snow with the tires Cross the first generation confirms this assumption. The average value of stopping distance is already 19.2 M.

Basic tests were conducted on compacted snow groomer Prinoth T4S snow-covered runway of the airport of Jermuk. Available exercises — acceleration and deceleration, various configurations of the snake, pristavka, a detour of obstacles (moose test), drift around the ring (all with disabled stabilization system).

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

In connection with warming to zero temperature, the coating quality deteriorated with every minute, and to estimate the parameters of controllability of tires became increasingly difficult. Fortunately, I was able to start with the "snakes" when the coating was in good condition and the test results surprised me greatly.

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

No, not the fact that tires Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 and 8 demonstrated the best handling and most controlled behavior in the drift. The moment of transition to the slide and exit — like a flick of a switch. Perfect! "Seven" seemed more "grabucea" and "eight" pleased with better feedback and greater stability in a straight line.

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

First of all, I was surprised by an outright failure (otherwise called) of Dunlop SP Winter Ice 02. Melted the powdery snow — definitely not an element of these tires! Extremely sluggish acceleration (direct bus just wallow in the snow), a huge drift in the turns, the desire to go into rhythmic skid under the gas in a straight line. Without the stabilization system on these tyres for the mess to go just dangerous, and no desire.

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

What Cordiant? Gas in the floor, short jerk the wheel at a slight reset the steering wheel straight again gas to the floor. Kicking up fountains of wet, sticky snow, "treshka" BMW obediently shifted from one skid to another. Cross the first Snow clings to the snow much better than Dunlop, the car is significantly less "plugit" in turns and more stable on the straight, but on the level of control, speed and feedback to Nokian away.

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Snow Cross 2 made more confident. Feel the difference in acceleration with Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 without instruments difficult. My BMW is very well kept snow, and less willing than the "premium" tires, and breaks into a skid. The moment of failure in the slide felt not as clear as in the Finnish tires, but managed with gas corner drift just. Of excitement in the handling there is less feedback worse, and braking on the snow near Hakkapeliitta better. But let's not forget that we compare tyres that differ in price by several times! For Cordiant is an excellent result.

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

After test drive, organizers held a race for the badly broken that points the way. Full trajectory in a "perestavnoj" has reached such a depth that the evaluation of the controllability of speech does not go — the main thing is not to get stuck in deep ruts, strewn with debris plastic wheel arches and aerodynamic flaps.

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

Not to hear a rattle from underneath, they involve loud Armenian radio

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

The sad melody of the DUDUK, a beautiful female voice singing in an unfamiliar language, something about love and spring.
Despite the broken track, all the races bravely did two rounds and the same BMW, shod in Snow Cross 2. The winner was Oleg Rastegaev of "Autoreview", the second place went to yours truly — and this despite the fact that from hitting the bumper on the parapet when driving the snake into the last quarter of the race I was involved stabilization system, and the car almost stopped accelerating in deep mess.

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

After tests on the ground, for two days I tested serially tires Snow Cross and Snow Cross 2 in normal road conditions, the Mercedes E200 in the past the body and the new BMW 120i, respectively. Hundreds of kilometers on a variety of roads at different speeds, led me to a few key thoughts.

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

The idea of the first. "Inevitable," the hum of the studded tire — a thing very relative. So, "Jeschke" barely audible hum of the tires was noticeable only at city speeds. On the compact "a b" a howl from the tires was in town two times louder and really put pressure on the ears. It's all in the quality of acoustic insulation of the car. That's why the noise about "my" they say first of all the owners of the mass car.

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

The idea of the second. First Snow Cross has a decent grip, confident behaviour in all range of speeds, but the grip in bends, acceleration and braking on slippery surfaces is inferior to the Snow Cross 2.

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

The second generation of tires the car more accurately responds to the steering wheel at high speed, allowing you to set the serpentines in racing style, which, however, can be caused by a difference in the nature of the test cars.

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

And finally the third and main idea. Despite the fact that I conducted the test is not wholly objective, devoid of the influence of weather and other factors (and the tires themselves SnowCross 2 has not yet serial), in any case, Russian tire manufacturers can be proud of.

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

In terms of price and quality, the novelty seems to be a real boon for the budget conscious car owners. According to marketing Cordiant Snow Cross 2 is only 5% higher than the first modification. In the most popular on the Russian size 195/65 R 15 the first Snow Cross is now about 2200 rubles, Hakkapeliitta 8 — 4060 roubles, Dunlop SP Winter Ice 02 — 2820 $ for one tire. With increasing size difference increases, in "crossovered" size 225/55 R18 Nokian is already 12200 rubles, and Cordiant — 5162 RUB Even adding to this the price of 5%, we obtain a two-fold superiority in price. For many buyers this will be a defining factor when choosing new winter tyres.

Armenian radio and Cordiant Snow Cross 2Full size

Next year comes a new budget tyre from Nokian, Nordman 7 SUV, which has a tread pattern and design from Hakkapelliitta 7, but more than a simple rubber compound. Cordiant in this model do not consider direct competition. According to tire manufacturers, its parameters and composition of a mixture of Snow Cross 2 will be closer to the premium range. For the price of Nordman will be somewhere between Cordiant and the Hakkapeliitta — so it would be great to bring these tires in a single match, held according to the rules somewhere on the range of polar Test World in Ivalo.

In the meantime, we can state that if I didn't know what tires Cordiant Snow Cross 2 designed and manufactured in Russia, I never would have not guessed by the behavior of the car on the winter road, including in extreme conditions.

On this today, I have everything, and in the next post we'll talk about Armenia and its attractions!

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Pelikan10rus 07.08.19

Horrible reasoning, but...in General, in my experience, if you do not variate 160 on ice, and drive like the average driver more or less according to the rules, Kordiant no worse than the Nokian the same. But if you like the pedal to push in the winter on the road, then there is of course no place Coriantum!

MyNameEarl 07.08.19

Thank you for the test. The conclusion here is simple: it would not have reduced the value of the Russian rubber to take shit for 5600 rubles instead of the 9600 for a decent tyre, no one will. Yes, even for 12200 RUB. Because to fly domestic shit in the bump with the show "ears" on the car in 3 million roubles, saving 28 000, want except a complete idiot. I hope those among owners of expensive cars that participated in the test, very, very little: all of them are times have the such cars, at least know how to count money

Here for owners of the gorgeous Lad Kalin, Prior, of Gilly Muscovites Olives, KAMAZ OKA, Daewoo Matiz, Daewoo Nexia, and other slavut this rubber — it:
zvukoizolyatsii there not even close to lying to them that the noise background rumble from the tyres — all the same
the cost of these cars is bought and they are usually on the money, so the tyres of a class "deshevshe only are Bicycle tires KAMA" will be at the exactly
— these machines are extremely rare HELMET, therefore, to fix these Vedas... the cars are all one after landing in the ass perevedeno will have to
— these cars are taken from despair, so one ass at budgetary clumsy rubber more, one less, yeah their owners a hell, because all one after 3 years the car will begin to rot and it will be time to merge, yet it never collapsed, so sho no matter how crowed the end of one

In General it seems to me, of Shaw, they test the tires on at least the pavement, her braking distance and other characteristics (some see at least the ADAC tests) would be on the 18th place out of 17 possible. And then the tests in the snowy field... Where are you, blah, in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Cherepovets, Lipetsk (why in cities? Because 89 percent of this... well, let it be rubber to be sold in the cities, don't you think) seen such drifts? You testers are wild, confident that in 89% of all 8 months of winter a year will be a snow depth of 20...30 cm?

kaizer123 07.08.19

Kordiant max good snow tires, snow porridge better rowing hacks 7 and 5 Nordmann himself had noticed, and considering that in winter, imagine it is snowing. And the roads are cleaned only by the middle of the day (if ass with snow sometimes by the end of the next day) that is the best option. Yes for the track with asphalt and partly with the ice the tires will not go better there hack 7 or Nordman in a pinch. But given that the track has per cent 20-30% from the average inhabitant of the Urals, the Volga region and Siberia, I would choose kordiant.

Lux 07.08.19


Ahaha, kordiant is generally a Bus? I thought bike tires))) More rare shit I never met, summer still did not go, but the winter kordiant I'm more under the gun will not take! The road do not hold I sat for the winter month they were ducativa!

The same can be said about winter Viatti

ssg83 07.08.19

Ahaha, I hope kidding, but not blunt)

se379 07.08.19

Summer ducativa winter coordiante? Save?

ssg83 07.08.19

Here I am after continental and donativa on coordiante. It was brutal...

Pelikan10rus 07.08.19

To summer have no complaints at all, excellent performance. But for the winter are wary in the near future to change the Kontinental just will not.

ssg83 07.08.19

Ahaha, kordiant is generally a Bus? I thought bike tires))) More rare shit I never met, summer still did not go, but the winter kordiant I'm more under the gun will not take! The road do not hold I sat for the winter month they were ducativa!

vodnik-andrei 07.08.19

It would be fair to do these tests somewhere on winter roads in Yakutia -50!

LYura530 07.08.19

This is not a test. This is a cheaper Nokia for the Russian market.

denzaden 07.08.19

I rolled on kordiant snow max A80 2.6, and polar 2 Astra H1.4 . all on thorns. quite good rubber, polar 2 soft, quiet, and relatively poor permeability. braking, handling and acceleration is quite adequate. kordiant summer did not like (I do not remember which model). two seasons skated, wear is minimal. for the price of kordiant acceptable rubber.

EfremovES 07.08.19


Cathal winter old ^hakkapelitta of R^ ( liuha, 5 years she was ) after vsesezonka year-old, so the handling, control, coupling with the surface on the old Nokian where top new vsesezonka, which finally never tenacity no. Put Blizzak vrx, the new Japanese... And I do not think that in winter you can ride in summer as the same speed mode (60-80 third gear)even in potato not dumb, stepped on the gas, braking distance (note of course is stronger than in summer), in winter only prikolnie — all stretch downhill Prokofeva, and I'm not.Compared with thorn the rise obledenelaya mound, my okazalas much effeciency although no support system my car has. Say that the ice spike is just a mess, well, or cooled down to -15 mess ukatanomu without sand. Problems with the Velcro I don't see the spikes and I have not yet tried. And on the road, not test more than 100 km/h and 30 cm snow storms too well.

Winter is winter, and not cool, and you have to be careful on any tires.

LaGoosh 07.08.19

After the WS-60 now, only Bridgestone Velcro winter!
VRX, Revo GZ... Phenomenal!

PashaLee 07.08.19

Cathal winter old ^hakkapelitta of R^ ( liuha, 5 years she was ) after vsesezonka year-old, so the handling, control, coupling with the surface on the old Nokian where top new vsesezonka, which finally never tenacity no. Put Blizzak vrx, the new Japanese... And I do not think that in winter you can ride in summer as the same speed mode (60-80 third gear)even in potato not dumb, stepped on the gas, braking distance (note of course is stronger than in summer), in winter only prikolnie — all stretch downhill Prokofeva, and I'm not.Compared with thorn the rise obledenelaya mound, my okazalas much effeciency although no support system my car has. Say that the ice spike is just a mess, well, or cooled down to -15 mess ukatanomu without sand. Problems with the Velcro I don't see the spikes and I have not yet tried. And on the road, not test more than 100 km/h and 30 cm snow storms too well.

Iurii185 07.08.19

As much as winter wanted. Personally, I ride on Michelin Alpin A5, elegant rubber, but the ice bad starts mean. Stops on 4ku. But the snow, the mess that often on the roads of the week ice, Packed snow, even on what

ZanudaBatkovich 07.08.19

And where is the logic of oberliga tires Nokian?
If khaki shit and they stupidly buy the first place, the dick to steal their crappy tread pattern?

EfremovES 07.08.19

And what's wrong. As our driver said: — Spies.l stole can be returned. ))

ZanudaBatkovich 07.08.19

"our tire manufacturers are not shy to "learn from experience" the market leaders"
As another test — very often the cries of Nokian all bought and on the tests she's not a serial bus. And as you look at the tread patterns of other brands, and strive to be...spies someone else's design

EfremovES 07.08.19

That Kama that Cords are, in fact, no difference, as they say, for an Amateur, something, some better than others, in fact this applies to any tires, not perfect.

pavel32 07.08.19


Russian tire manufacturers just go and shoot slingshots or have to switch to the production of products for sex shops, there are also spikes are needed. Well, just one person show me in their right MIND who is on machine 2+ will be our tire set. Especially for the bucks for 3+. Yes, actually the Whole article-custom fake well, or a theory that even a few words of truth in it, they look abstract. "The city, the countryside, the standard of" -what's that all about ? what exactly is that machine? with what motor? what power? what is mass? what type of drive? what kind of brakes ? abs, ESP, etc... what noise? for what driving? for what speeds? etc., etc .PPC in short. or just would take some way and for this lake their ride and did a review. so at least more honest to just be

Cordiant standards. it yaroslavlsky plant his tires during the war, drove to Berlin! but Kama th VN about

Fizjk 07.08.19

How beautiful the new ship, the center pin inserted in metal on metal punch petals, supposedly better grip. But on 3 wheels out of 4, after 50 km of run, these punch-petals ran out, i.e. erased! It is in the process of stiching! Although the Central core is not wore out. I would like to ask the manufacturer, as it should be ? It turns out if these petals carried a kind of function, after 50 miles, this tire doesn't fit its characteristics, and the manufacturer just nae-t, buyer?!

Redfury1978 07.08.19


Snow Cross is my father, "read the Internet".
More such experiences do not want to repeat.
The wheels were very noisy! Father approach to my house can hear it for 50-80 meters.
The interior is like a fighter plane, a humming that increases with speed. The former model, this was not.

And in the ice off my car with these tyres was terrible to go, it is possible of course and the car to blame, but on "old" tires such feelings arose.

This is due to the rubber compound buzz is taking 2 sets, Goodyear ultra grip 500 , silence, soft and kordiant with a very similar pattern as the Boeing to take off, after pereobuvki thought all the wheel bearings failed ))

G73 07.08.19

This was Amtel, on another machine Gislaved Nord Frost 5, and now the Nordman 5 of these drones is not, neither in the car nor outside it.

artemspec 07.08.19

I'm on the first snow cross did not go. But I know from experience Nokian with lots of spikes on machines with weak Shumka they are VERY noisy

G73 07.08.19

VAZ 2110.

artemspec 07.08.19

What sort of car?

G73 07.08.19

Snow Cross is my father, "read the Internet".
More such experiences do not want to repeat.
The wheels were very noisy! Father approach to my house can hear it for 50-80 meters.
The interior is like a fighter plane, a humming that increases with speed. The former model, this was not.

And in the ice off my car with these tyres was terrible to go, it is possible of course and the car to blame, but on "old" tires such feelings arose.

ShashkovK 07.08.19

Snow Cross came with the car. One season, instead of studs rivets and two wheels cracked from the inside( set the camera as it was lowered over the spikes). VAZ 2107.

Igorich 07.08.19

Snow and Max snow Cross pleased with the price, quality and durability. They are out marketing, as the same continental and Nokian. Spikes dvuhventsovye, they sit firmly and not break off.
In two seasons all the thorns in place, despite regular boxes and driving on the pavement. Two models nokianokia Nordmann it could not boast, because he was sold.
Happy for domestic producers.

unsleep 07.08.19


Best of budgetar!
Kalina spiked Kordiant.
The matrix on summer Sports 2.
Kama took out the brain from the noise!
Pirelli winter too noisy.

Stable bus! I recommend anyone sorry $ on new Conti or Bridgestone. The message is clear? In addition to the Conti and the Bridge does not make sense to buy anything else. Kordiant not worse, but much cheaper.

As the saying goes: "Not noisy, used.I!" ;)

I Viatti Strada summer is on very moderately, more asphalt is determined, and the winter Breen there itself quietly as the lime.

LaGoosh 07.08.19

Well, Yes.
I have a bald, too quiet, not noisy.
And consumption lower than any new.

ToR111 07.08.19


Best of budgetar!
Kalina spiked Kordiant.
The matrix on summer Sports 2.
Kama took out the brain from the noise!
Pirelli winter too noisy.

Stable bus! I recommend anyone sorry $ on new Conti or Bridgestone. The message is clear? In addition to the Conti and the Bridge does not make sense to buy anything else. Kordiant not worse, but much cheaper.

As the saying goes: "Not noisy, used.I!" ;)

I have a winter Linden Kama. There is no noise. Rowing well in the frost did not harden. Court strong.

LaGoosh 07.08.19


EfremovES 07.08.19

Are Kama, I would say that noisy them just do not call, maybe not the quietest, but quite comfortable.

LaGoosh 07.08.19

Best of budgetar!
Kalina spiked Kordiant.
The matrix on summer Sports 2.
Kama took out the brain from the noise!
Pirelli winter too noisy.

Stable bus! I recommend anyone sorry $ on new Conti or Bridgestone. The message is clear? In addition to the Conti and the Bridge does not make sense to buy anything else. Kordiant not worse, but much cheaper.

As the saying goes: "Not noisy, used.I!" ;)

Bigalech 07.08.19

Snow, max was great! 6 years skated without any problems. And snow cross in the second winter gave up, pulls on the spikes! Carl! How is this possible in principle?!
HS this kordiant, only a price tag and can boast.

Zhigulyovski 07.08.19

In the end, I'm on Nitto TS stopped.

senseye87 07.08.19

Toyo don't take in any way, all day today about her Internet wool and... Spikes loses at the stage of running-in( Like b today.from. take them out after one season of operation, photo weird was all spikes) Went to watch, and there are inset spikes repair partially... Dude honestly that spikes escaped unnoticed)

Zhigulyovski 07.08.19

Tom, between the new Snow cross pw-4 and Toyo OBG3S what would you recommend to choose?

NazMN 07.08.19

thanks for the advice, I'll Nokian Nordman 7 to take

RMSTYLE 07.08.19

Weird quiz then some no Michelin Gislaved and heap manufacturers I haven't driven the Nokian... never Drove on winter tires — Hankook, Amtel, kordiant for any different standard (copy 500 ultra grip) and polar and last winter went to the snow cross and snow cross, I liked the most. From not studded riding on Blizzard, graspic 2 and 3 graspic Dunlop and Goodyear ultra grip, all liked the ultra grip but there is a car with all-wheel drive)
I will say this — if you have money — it is better to take an expensive bus, if the finances is tight it is better to take kordiant, everything else is superfluous overpayment) all intermediate versions only complacency type a little better and so forth in the snow on the track it is not necessary to wait for help from the bus — it is necessary to rely only on their driving skills...

NazMN 07.08.19

I think you should not pay and take the Nokian Nordman 7?

RMSTYLE 07.08.19


tell me, please. is it worth to pay half the price and buy now Nokian Nordman 7 or to save and get the snow cross?
on the website LEL-bus.Bai testing rubber kordiant and notes indicated that she had a weak inhibitory properties on the pavement, and it's scary.


RMSTYLE 07.08.19

You carefully read the table and what confuses You...
The difference of 3 metres and points removed as if the difference of 25 meters) These tests are paid) although something rational in them but we need to divide by 2)
What do you mean braking on ice? It is in principle possible, going from 30 to 0 km per hour will pop the abs and the car ride) On the ice only to pitching in the brake pedal to stop and keep distance))) everything else is powerless), Buriti tires, drive carefully and never hesitate because it is from the evil one. Style of riding in winter SHOULD BE DIFFERENT THAN SUMMER!

NazMN 07.08.19

tell me, please. is it worth to pay half the price and buy now Nokian Nordman 7 or to save and get the snow cross?
on the website LEL-bus.Bai testing rubber kordiant and notes indicated that she had a weak inhibitory properties on the pavement, and it's scary.

RMSTYLE 07.08.19

I had Amtel seven, one disappointment( Can of course rear-wheel drive was to blame, however, this really is the best of the expensive copy)

senseye87 07.08.19

Took already) Well, Amtel, rubber is still a crook!)

RMSTYLE 07.08.19

Take Cordiant Snow Cross will not regret it — a great tire, permeability is much better than Amtel)

senseye87 07.08.19

Tomorrow buy these snow cross 2, the choice fell on a novelty as not much more reliable predecessors snow cross PW-2, the spikes don't poison my friends in two cars, it's all right... snow cross 2 today touch touched, and direct soft, pleasant to the touch, but the sidewall still zhesche than in the same Nokian or Goodyear... I have to! The situation with the roads we have in the spring deplorable, pit to pit, and a strong cord a Deposit of at least some reliability when hit in the pit... and the price is certainly captivating! But in previous winters went to the Amtel NordMaster very old 2011... the Spikes there is certainly reliable, does not fly in any way, as not trying to ruthlessly exploit. Figure toothed, spikes 60% percent left. No problems with them, rowing, inhibit in moderation is fine with the mind of course) And howling they like behind me the plane takes off at the speed of 60km/h)))) Just bored, want new, that's about the choice to Kordiant :)

RMSTYLE 07.08.19

I agree with every word in Your article.
Put last winter on Largus van Kordiant snow cross the spikes went all winter — and was surprised — the noise from the spikes no spikes in place — permeability to be surprisingly high (after the big snowfall — the one that was in February — in the Parking lot — where at first it was not clean — and then the tractor helped snow shafts — Largus rode like a tank — but the hand Kret front — wheel drive- tires Dunlop graspic 3 — go just didn't)) Hence the conclusion — for the money they ask for kordiant — the optimal combination of price and quality.

Alex-Rybakov 07.08.19


newergood 07.08.19

odd take a doubt about our tire production
Chur laudatory review

it seems that on tests and in stores completely different tires come

Ujgybr 07.08.19

And I do this like roll tires Cordiant Snow Cross (which first). Rubber fire, rowing as it should! Handling super (important to keep the right pressure in the tires) a little podsuetilis, I immediately feel! appears valkosti, just swap! Very nice rubber! After the revocation wanted Cordiant Snow Cross 2. buy ))))) on a second machine I bought хаку8, good rubber...but to compare them makes no sense...

artemspec 07.08.19

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And on what car? The gathering Collapse checked?

artemspec 07.08.19

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I would have checked, this should not be