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PELVIS or...Mitsubishi Lancer Lancer IX.

When a person has 300 000 rubles, and the necessary machine, that Willy — nilly start to think about the purchase of products of AVTOVAZ. What you can buy for the money? At current prices new car not to buy, as the first equipment of Lada Granta is now worth 330 000. Remains only B/W. other things being equal basins for the money (and priors, and Grants), it is possible to look for the cars, which although it will be years older, but will be higher in technical terms.

As a worthy alternative to pots for the money today we will look at Mitsubishi Lancer Lancer IX.

PELVIS orMitsubishi Lancer Lancer IXMitsubishi Lancer Lancer IX

This car was produced in the period from 2003 to 2008, and is a sedan, at the time a class C (now class B has the dimensions), in-line 4-cylinder v16 engine, with a volume of 1600 cm3 with a capacity of 98 forces. The suspension on this car has MacPherson strut front and memorycache back that already has a winning position in relation to any Vase in terms of handling. Brakes front — ventilated disc, rear – disc. So slow car for its class will be fine. Steering – hydraulic.

In terms of manufacturability, the car above Grants or priors, he's not bad enough for its class holds the road, the behavior of the machine when the motion is quite predictable, with sharp steep turns the understeer is not observed, the ass as well in turns throws. Braking distinct and clear, for such power and vehicle weight, brakes with enough margin.

PELVIS orMitsubishi Lancer Lancer IXMitsubishi Lancer Lancer IX

The engine has long earned the title of "trouble-free" in the vastness of our country. Without any problems eat 92 gasoline, and does not have Jackie Chan on fuel quality. In terms of traction, I think VAZ on the 126 engine will be faster due to the lightweight forged bottom, but if you take into account reliability and easy maintenance, the power plant, the MMS will look not so pale.

PELVIS orMitsubishi Lancer Lancer IXUnder the hood everything is available and prevents the repair

Gripe is the checkpoint. 1st gear is very short, stupid-matched gear ratio the main couples. As many car owners complain of zhor oil in engines with significant mileage, at the same time, people who change the oil at intervals of 6 – 7 thousand kilometers, such problems do not see.

The throttle is design defect, which leads to its wear. This problem is cured by means of its groove. All information on this work is available online, and not so much time consuming.
From pendants weak spot is the rack of the stabilizer bar. On our roads they walk on average 10-12 thousand miles.

This car, shown in photo, 2006 issue, and has at this time, the mileage 189,5 thousand kilometers, and was bought by the current owner already used, and for all time didn't cause any problems. Of course, at this mileage, some items require repair or replacement, but overall, for such a mileage car a solid four.

PELVIS orMitsubishi Lancer Lancer IXDashboard Mitsubishi Lancer Lancer IX

The car rides every day, all year round. For starters in the cold these cars do not have problems to -32, after already starting to act up, and this installation pre-start liquid heater is a necessity.

For comfort this car is a typical representative of the segment of the beginning of the 2000s. Space behind the driver's seat about the same as in the Prior. The driver seat is more comfortable than the Grant of them throws you in turn, and has a setting height as it brightens up the fact the small angle adjustment of the steering column. Adjustable steering column on the flight is not provided. Gear shift fits comfortably in your hand, transfer included easily.

PELVIS orMitsubishi Lancer Lancer IXSalon Mitsubishi Lancer Lancer IX

PELVIS orMitsubishi Lancer Lancer IXSalon Mitsubishi Lancer Lancer IX

jpg width=960 height=540 itemprop=contentUrl>the Driver's seat of the Mitsubishi Lancer Lancer IX

PELVIS orMitsubishi Lancer Lancer IXThe rear row of seats Mitsubishi Lancer Lancer IX

I want to say a few words in defense of the Cans and their CAT, which many crunch when you turn on: this problem is solved within 5 minutes, adjustable clutch, and crunches transmission because the clutch nadvigaetsya. It's more a matter of assembling and tuning the car than the design features of components and assemblies.

For the safety of people in the car, meet airbags, driver and passenger, and side airbags. Rear cushions and curtains, there is no security... what to do, the beginning of the 2000s. Solaris now stuffed pillows bigger than Camry 20 (grace). The car body and doors are reinforced with additional stiffening ribs that dampen the impact force in a collision.
According to the test results the insurance Institute for highway safety (IIHS), the car has received:

Frontal attack:

Body construction – maximum scores.
Damage of the dummy head/neck — the most points.
The chest being the highest level of security.
Right leg and foot high points.
Left leg and foot high points.

Side impact:

Body structure – Low estimate of the level of security.
Head and neck — the Lowest score of the security level.
The pelvis and legs are Not satisfactory security assessment.
Torso – Lower ball for the torso.

According to the test results Euro NCAP Mitsubishi Lancer Lancer IX received a score of 4 out of 5.

Prices on this car depending on year/condition/configuration now range from 200 000 to 400 000 rubles. Of course, buy a Used car is quite a controversial activity, because there is always a chance to get to the ditched car. But since this car is simple as a bolt on, and especially to break it is not happening, and all the defects can easily be detected in the diagnosis before buying(the benefits of modern technology allow you to check in with a scope and even the combustion chamber), and choose a machine that will not demand investment, I would still advise to think about buying a car new/used priors or Grants. Reasons:

1. Security. Many people forget about this criteria of evaluation of the car, but in vain.
2. Reliability.
3. Handling.
4. Comfort. I'm not talking about comfort in the understanding of the MB S class, and the understanding that when the car plastic interior creaks, the seats relatively comfortable and the overall ergonomics of the car, even in these times is not bad.
5. Not the high cost of maintenance.
Simple examples of prices for spare parts of suspension for this car on the site EXIST on the state 09.05.15 year. Tie rod – 513 rubles. Stabilizer bushing – 562 rubles. Stabilizer link – 412 roubles. Tie – 387 rubles.
It seems that it's not expensive, and plus it is safer. That is, the repair of such Lancer will cost a little more repair of the Pelvis, but to do You will significantly less.
To choose when buying a new car or Used car – it's entirely Yours, but buying a new Priora at the price from 446 300 rubles, while the cost of an empty Rio 448 400 rubles, I think is not correct.
Result probably not even a full list of the breakdowns on the service Lada Greta in the mileage to 60,000 km:
— breakage of the timing belt at 45,000 km (as a consequence of the bending of the valves, since the engine forces 87, not 82).
— leaking oil seal of camshaft.
failure of ignition coil.
— failure of the engine control unit.
— breakdown of the generator.

...this is just what I could remember, provided that the driver knows all of her problems, and I'm not. Yes, actually this is enough...

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Stimus 08.08.19

to 150 thousand you will change the floor of the car.and then there's the carousel.3 days riding,2 repair.and prior generally slag.door like old Muscovites rattle, sustaka.all crunches.fu.I do not need those who understand something as a car.

PVM102 08.08.19


it is better Lancer ukatanomu restore and ride than buy the tub and repair it through the day.and all machines break.another thing is the repair cost and frequency of breakdowns

the car ran 93 t km on a hundred never was, just oil...so I don't know do not write

Shabovsky 08.08.19

new broken pelvis as well as an 8 year old Lancer

Stimus 08.08.19

it is better Lancer ukatanomu restore and ride than buy the tub and repair it through the day.and all machines break.another thing is the repair cost and frequency of breakdowns

Fenix61 08.08.19

You are in the remaining 10%) soon it will begin little by little to break down and you will sell it and the buyer tell me so and so went without any problems, given all the arguments of the author and the person zaglotnet bait hddd and then you know)))))

OscarWilde 08.08.19

Not so categorical, lance in 2007, only owner, mileage is 135000. Not counting scheduled maintenance, (described by the author), in January of this year for the first time stood in for repair to replace the ignition harness and engine mount. It is Japanese reliable Lada. It all depends on the "gasket" between steering wheel and seat... interior is still in luster, paint happy, 4g18 like a clock

Fenix61 08.08.19

"and to choose a machine that will not require attachments"
This is the same as "mileage not important, look at the condition!"

Nonsense and stupidity! All these Lancer long ago rolled in the trash, and find a car for which you can give 300 Tr is very difficult... the Most recent machine is a 2007, it will be 8 years old! EIGHT YEARS! If it has only traveled from work to the house, plus on the weekends to the store, the mileage will be at least 120000. If you put in the head year of issue and minmally mileage, you don't need to be a genius to understand that this is 90% rubbish!

Koleos 08.08.19

and I'm not saying that the thickness of the body, as it is one of the important components.

Doctorss 08.08.19


honestly, I was already amused, Solaris assembled in Russia will not pass crash on 5ku, you personally touched? went on it? it is made of foil, tin, pinky falls in metal, doors, fenders. everywhere. Suspension, know about it? what rear beam is attached to the body the can, stability on road no body twisting, stiffness no. Uncle Solaris was, and is, so no need to argue I'm telling you. The sad experience with this machine.

the safety body is not in the thickness of doors and wings)))

somebody 08.08.19

Similarly, I will not argue. By the way, the video of the strike with 25% overlap for the General development look

Doctorss 08.08.19

what are the facts? your word is fact? provides links with confirmation. You're comparing a car business class with the pelvis and think that they are on the same level of security? And I wonder what the shell flies off?))) In General, you can not continue to write, I am once again convinced of the stupidity of the owners of the cans.

somebody 08.08.19

Easy! I only brought the facts, and you have to abuse.

Doctorss 08.08.19

you E. anuti chtol? compare hj with a finger)))

somebody 08.08.19

Teana in terms of security near the pelvic left, for any "wrong" of the accident, the shell flies away from the doors along with the amplifiers. So the stuff that still

Doctorss 08.08.19

don't kid yourself, pelvis shit

sektor064 08.08.19

about 5 years otezdil on new 2114 1,6, in 2009 took over 233 000, for parts and repair, together with batteries and light bulbs took about 15 000, did many things myself.
overall the car left a good impression, sometimes overloaded with a trailer, not a pity to scratch, was sold for 160 000, overall nice bike for those who have no money really to move dangerously low speed in an accident the car folds in half, and SUV, no chance to survive.
so you go too far

Doctorss 08.08.19

personally, I think people buying the pots morons, moral monsters, slow-witted, etc.

Black-Wolf 08.08.19

so I was not able to overcome itself and to take the pelvis...had cabrolet to buy

ABM34 08.08.19

In the direction of Togliatti DIY worth watching, if life has cracked and began to look like ass. And money for a car a hundred thousand, and they are busy)
If there are 300 bought a car for 250, it is repaired at 40-50 and all. Quite a car will be.

SMKZN 08.08.19


Are you a doctor, chtoli, diagnosis? Glue on spoiler from Evo, Yes, mud flaps, Sparky

And if you read carefully, we are not only spoilers from Evo sculpt

SMKZN 08.08.19

The doctor

Verynegative 08.08.19

Are you a doctor, chtoli, diagnosis? Glue on spoiler from Evo, Yes, mud flaps, Sparky

SMKZN 08.08.19

Your diagnosis is clear. When podrostesh can be understood. Although 99.9% of your condition — not curable

Verynegative 08.08.19

With these rolls you only Gypsy wagon in turn will pass

SMKZN 08.08.19


It went on. Compared to grantas sports unmanaged, neededi piece of shit. Salon back to 90e, appearance at times merges prior. Safety he is the only plus, well, the quality of locks/buttons/limit switches in the best times of the Taz.

This is your grant TMS uncontrollable piece of shit! You have a rear beam! What do you know about handling? In turn, I will go under full gas without any demolition of the front axle, your honorata, whistling wheels go into bump. Think before such to write komenty

DRS 08.08.19

The grants? funny of course, but rather miserable, and Logan's and the like junk, narrow high and not proportional. About handling what you've got turns on the rear beam then? The cabin where we really to shabby, oak plastic, which look disgusting, not that that hands to touch! This Lancer is recognized as one of the most reliable machines at a time when VAZ default shit, so your attack is not the topic!

Verynegative 08.08.19

No, not guessed. Appearance is really funny!)

ThankYou 08.08.19


It went on. Compared to grantas sports unmanaged, neededi piece of shit. Salon back to 90e, appearance at times merges prior. Safety he is the only plus, well, the quality of locks/buttons/limit switches in the best times of the Taz.

But doors are normally closed and in the cabin from the 90s with all the cracks is not blowing, yeah))

The neighing)
You happen to Russian rap don't listen to?))

Koleos 08.08.19


I don't bawl that Yapi shit. There are no bad machines, only bad price/performance machine. I noticed that there Kalina 98 Ls bucket, that's not going anywhere, and Lancer with his 98 almost bollid the stories. Funny to read some comments.

Pots is pots, that's it. All the pots went absolutely, Rattling, creaking, with all the cracks ash, the wind whistles in the cabin at high speeds. Management, it is not present. Well really they cannot be compared, then the difference is felt immediately. And grant sports or Priora 1.8 from a super auto, did not save these banks konservnye

Stasevich88 08.08.19

Never the car rides a bit more cheerful priors, then all the qualities in the amount that the end justifies the means. The price of red viburnum with 200 salon + truck parts, to boot.

Verynegative 08.08.19

I don't bawl that Yapi shit. There are no bad machines, only bad price/performance machine. I noticed that there Kalina 98 Ls bucket, that's not going anywhere, and Lancer with his 98 almost bollid the stories. Funny to read some comments.

Stasevich88 08.08.19


It went on. Compared to grantas sports unmanaged, neededi piece of shit. Salon back to 90e, appearance at times merges prior. Safety he is the only plus, well, the quality of locks/buttons/limit switches in the best times of the Taz.

One name "Granta sport" already raises a smile, you have to be "on his head" to buy a hat for 600-700+ money and bawl that YAP shit. Well, even more anytim you have to be to compare otechetsvennoy auto industry with cars.

Shabovsky 08.08.19

well, the new illiquid worse)))

Verynegative 08.08.19

tell it to someone else. I have no desire to buy this old illiquid and Tinker with it.

Shabovsky 08.08.19


It went on. Compared to grantas sports unmanaged, neededi piece of shit. Salon back to 90e, appearance at times merges prior. Safety he is the only plus, well, the quality of locks/buttons/limit switches in the best times of the Taz.

Compared to the piece of shit with the label sport the Lancer just full order

chervyakov86 08.08.19

far more correct to compare an empty grant and used Lancer than actually here and engaged

Verynegative 08.08.19

you know, except that they compare correctly

chervyakov86 08.08.19

I know there is a Lancer Evo, so that's how it happened that can not be compared with granty sport.

Verynegative 08.08.19

It went on. Compared to grantas sports unmanaged, neededi piece of shit. Salon back to 90e, appearance at times merges prior. Safety he is the only plus, well, the quality of locks/buttons/limit switches in the best times of the Taz.

aka-mazai 08.08.19

Lancer of course! was 1.6 on the mechanics... way better than any of the pelvis

ThankYou 08.08.19

the pots are shit, infa stopproc)

PVM102 08.08.19


With a budget of 300:
-find lance for 200 to smooth kuzovoi without brutal crashes
-100 safely throw in to the bulkhead of everything
enjoy the result at least 150 000 km, is smiling broadly
Plus this lance huge potential for improvements (for people like me who really like the vehicles) and the quality and reliability of Mitsubishi.
What is the PELVIS? Pffff
Any BASIN, even the new falls apart by leaps and bounds, there always have something to tweak, something to glue that did not creak and do not rattle, etc sorted out before falling apart ass. Begin to engage back — for the front fit. Had the Pots, and even new. Not tell here pliz about their "reliability" and PI**datast

So are you the driver that you have all the breaks. I drove 35 t km and not a Fig absolutno all together and doesn't rattle, not a Fig...and change absolutely nothing...the anthers are all integers...never leak and does not drip... it Depends on the strip. I can Lancer to kill every month and torment to invest in it... the Way I panel the lens does not like it poor form, no offense. 10th Lancer looks much better...

MasterMagix 08.08.19

do not stop to wonder what kind of crap manage to write people.

SMKZN 08.08.19

With a budget of 300:
-find lance for 200 to smooth kuzovoi without brutal crashes
-100 safely throw in to the bulkhead of everything
enjoy the result at least 150 000 km, is smiling broadly
Plus this lance huge potential for improvements (for people like me who really like the vehicles) and the quality and reliability of Mitsubishi.
What is the PELVIS? Pffff
Any BASIN, even the new falls apart by leaps and bounds, there always have something to tweak, something to glue that did not creak and do not rattle, etc sorted out before falling apart ass. Begin to engage back — for the front fit. Had the Pots, and even new. Not tell here pliz about their "reliability" and PI**datast

SMKZN 08.08.19

Example here: www.drive2.ru/l/5136341/

sparco71 08.08.19

The Lancer is certainly better! I had such! 3 times went through the motor. 3 throttle, 5 sets of brake discs. And all for 2 years and 110 000 km. But on the whole car like it. Rulitsya cool! The car was made for myself, so no money spared!

chervyakov86 08.08.19

What to say about him, I think everyone and everything is clear

OVGrishin 08.08.19

Again VAZ "know" the people down, though about it in the article just mentioned... you people?!

SantaFeV6 08.08.19

Here's catalog.drom.ru/mitsubishi/lancer/35298/

Laguncov 08.08.19

But the engine of 1.6 . I called invite +

SantaFeV6 08.08.19

I have a 98 1.6 horses

Laguncov 08.08.19

This package from the 2.0-liter Lancer, quite rare equipment, is usually accompanied by I. appearance from 2.0

SantaFeV6 08.08.19

Yes, the climate has. And whirlings on the inclusion of the oven and these are just below

Laguncov 08.08.19

And climate?

SantaFeV6 08.08.19


Good article, there are a couple of refinements.
Cushion 2 pieces, with the 2.0 engine is 4 pillows.
And on mylogram very legco narvitsja...
For the article 5+++

I have the 1.6 engine and 4 pillows

SantaFeV6 08.08.19

I personally would never buy a Mitsubishi. Very expensive to maintain and also often breaks down

SantaFeV6 08.08.19

In Tomsk we have such prices EXIST in the tie rod – R. 2170, stabilizer Bushing – 225 p., stabilizer link – 585 p., tie – 1440p. DRAGOOO !

SMKZN 08.08.19


Engine MIVEC whimsical to the fuel, no 92 of CSOs in Russia of gasoline pouring it is impossible. If pouring, and then will feed oil. Parts of it are relatively expensive, if not the consumables. Reliability I would rate as average. So you have a nice car, the better the next Lancer.

9 Lancer no Miika except the American Ralliart. There is 69th motor, and he spit on fuel quality)

LordStasis 08.08.19

Well, Yes, but any good oil will turn to shit with time and it will be like this www.drive2.ru/l/9816500/ )

MMC74 08.08.19

I agree, and the replacement period is also important.

LordStasis 08.08.19

No matter motyul or not, just not completely shit or fake.

MMC74 08.08.19

Module machine is not seen, life on cellphones. From replacement before replacement nothing to add, minimum level at Oklo 4/5 on the dipstick.

LordStasis 08.08.19

On the way Jora oil, pour only the good. A year ago flooded the comrade shit, was previously motyul. Was samakovlis maslosemnye for a couple of months. Iterate now, the oil consumption more than a liter per 1000.

MMC74 08.08.19

I agree :)

LordStasis 08.08.19

Well, this and twist, not the essence.

MMC74 08.08.19

The car then carries the time, the power to squeeze.

LordStasis 08.08.19

This is probably the maximum time, after coming to the fore power

MMC74 08.08.19

Could be wrong of course, but there is in my top speed shot on a 3.5-4 rpm.

LordStasis 08.08.19

It means that something was wrong. As our time with the 3500 undermined normal.

MMC74 08.08.19

Well, twist in my understanding it is above 4000 and up to teschke :) There above 3.5 no sense at all.

LordStasis 08.08.19

Well, the revs this power is achieved and, on overtaking as not to twist

MMC74 08.08.19

And so the meaning to twist 1.6 with 98 horses? Well this is not Honda :)

LordStasis 08.08.19

The motor is not spinning at all apparently

MMC74 08.08.19

My father car in 2005, today the mileage 120 tyk, life eats 92 Benz and no makarora NO!

LordStasis 08.08.19

Engine MIVEC whimsical to the fuel, no 92 of CSOs in Russia of gasoline pouring it is impossible. If pouring, and then will feed oil. Parts of it are relatively expensive, if not the consumables. Reliability I would rate as average. So you have a nice car, the better the next Lancer.

serka96 08.08.19

Lancers like the hijackers )) That's the only minus which I don't even look at them)))

QWESTERS 08.08.19

Worn out to read all the comments, is the ultimate assme delusional, no offense guys, ya as the user of the Lancer with 4 years of experience I can say that the basin does not compare in quality ya of course I do not know where the other lancers, but after the repairs on my car, again nothing broken, only got about 130 thousand mileage, in the course of 2,5 years actually did not break anything, and to this day, knock on wood )))))

MsRino 08.08.19

I think 300 thousand is not too small, the options are enough machines, it all depends on the needs and years. From E39 ending with Logan. Lancer directly made alternative to a vase. And nowhere in the article did the 2 liter motor. The Lancer is a good, inexpensive, simple as two pennies, and reliable. And any machine will break if it is not monitored and treated like the piece of iron. And to buy new machines are in General negative, waste of money.

QWESTERS 08.08.19

someone here wrote that the Lancer evolution piece of the RAM ? not riding ? are you serious ?, in this case, the basins then your just a fire, I have a friend he has the same grant sport tazoodle vaunted so he knows what I think it is a woodpecker who purchased the pelvis 677тысяч.
I can say that he agrees with me, as the car comfortable at times and managed sweeter, you can write me all sorts of nasty things but remember I don't care what you think of me you do not think

Kholmogoroff 08.08.19

Well that is not cheat horses, less tax and insurance.

chervyakov86 08.08.19

+/- the same

slavklan 08.08.19

Well, it's Payton and reliability and prices for parts?

chervyakov86 08.08.19

What is newer, has less mileage and cheaper.

slavklan 08.08.19

Tell me. The choice fell on two cars for a taxi. Lancer and Logan, it is better to take?

slavklan 08.08.19

It is clear, and for parts?

Javrey 08.08.19

The eight were dancing with a tambourine around her. Now the Lancer -the dance continues. But in the Japanese to ride nicer. And elbows to fight with the passenger, as Pryor is not necessary.