body polishing at home - Toyota Carina E, 1.6 L, 1994
The paint turned white in some places, I thought it was wiped off from time to time. I took Waxi paste and started rubbing by hand, nothing came of it and I took a drill. Two hours later the car shone and there were no white marks.
Price tag: 70 ₽ Mileage: 265,900 km
As the owner of a carina in exactly the same color, I understand you) From time to
time the paint becomes cloudy, and you have to polish it.
But all the same, such a shine as you can not achieve, since I was polished like a professional (when they matted it with fine sandpaper first and then polished with a paste), and freaks burned the varnish, now you have to watch the body very closely.