There was nothing to do! - Toyota Carina ED, 2.0 L, 1994
Tired of me! I'm tired of him looking so bad! HE is my bar, or armrest, call it as convenient! Not everyone has it, but they put it on many EDkha, and in general I understand it is universal)))
So, I had this armrest, sheathed with Japanese velor, Over time it rubbed off and got greasy from hands and dirt ... I decided to sheathe it! Than? Finished with leather! I bought a white leatherette, sheathed it! But it quickly rubbed off, and began to look worse than Japanese velor! So, again, going to the cloth and buying a black VELUR))) Well, that's it, the weather has turned bad, there is nothing to do, you need to work ... Tools: screwdriver, glue, velor and beer)))) That's what happened! Yes, and I had to glue my assistant's helicopter)))