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I think every person ever should be the case, after which he will understand — all life returns to you like a boomerang. Both good and evil. This is what I thought for the first time in 21 years when he was laying in the hospital after a serious accident. And the rest of my life constantly confirm this theory.

In 2002 I bought my first car — Ford Sierra 2.0 iS:

BoomerangFull sizeLeft — I, right — my Brother. For those who have no sense of humor, make no mistake: we are not bandits, photo comic

In those years its 115 HP at 1090 kg and has successfully created the impression of an impressive dynamics. But it's on paper. But in reality, 15-year-old Ford stubbornly refused to type in the seat. But I never gave up and tried to give him back his youth. In the end, a friend injectors is sentenced to find a good meter and you will have happiness. Easy to say. But to spend all his modest salary of$ 100 was painful. The yield was found pretty quickly. My friend Kostya I worked in a garage as a mechanic. I remember a fine summer day I drove him to the station. We talked and I complained about a problem with the meter. Kostya listened and then pointed to Skorpio, who was standing in a painting: "he has the same motor. Shall we go?". And we waved. After five minutes I was pulling out of the station with the "new" meter. And Sierra finally went on the first shot, from the first to the second bushing, a powerful surge to 80 — the third flight...

The years have passed. In 2010 I bought a BMW E23 in the Museum to preserve

BoomerangFull size

BoomerangFull size

The original mileage 172000 km, original paint, perfect condition...Started to go and felt that the machine does not issue all of its 218 forces. We stopped at the diagnosis. Ended up opening the flowmeter. Although I was sure that at this mileage, we will adjust only the mixture screw. An no. The master had him play before he started to function properly. In the end, seven began to go around Accord VIII Type S on the handle. But the sediment remained. The thing is that when I removed the flowmeter, on the body, on the inside, I saw the year of production — 1981. And seven released in October 1983. So he was replaced once in the service. That's when I remembered the Sierra, Scorpio and free meter.

Two years ago my friend bought a VW Golf II GTi-16V from the first owner in Ukraine. The car had an original mileage of about 250,000 km, had never fought, and pretty well preserved:

BoomerangFull size

BoomerangFull size

BoomerangFull size

BoomerangFull size

But a number of technical issues still present. One of them is the failure of fifth gear. We soon found the right gear and repaired the box . But we waited bummer. The rpm in fifth is not reduced. She had the same gear ratio as a fourth. It became obvious that the box we have is not the original 2Y with contiguous next. Apparently, the former owner it was replaced by the civil I called him, but he swore he didn't do it. May be it happened in Germany. I do not know. But the fact remains a fact. After the repair we had two fourth transmission. Yes, they were both up, but that is little consolation...We began the search for 2Y. The thing is, this is quite scarce and to find it quickly failed. Meanwhile, the car found a new owner. I did not tell him about the problem with the fifth. The car had to be sold quickly. A friend was in a serious motorcycle accident and his family got into debt to make him a complicated operation.

But the boomerang will come back. A few months later I decided to fulfill the dream of his youth — to buy a red Alfa Romeo 156 V6

BoomerangFull size

Found an interesting option in Kherson. Phoned the owner. Found her BJ on Drive2. The master in him, said that he had a broken sixth gear and he could not solve the issue. Similar the box to find he couldn't, of Batistuta on this motor is not suitable...In the end, found a variant in Poland. Sort of brought him, he changed and forgot about the problem. All that we discussed on the phone, and he solemnly assured me that all is OK — the box is great, sixth gear works. Soon I was in Kherson. Bought alpha light, without a HUNDRED and diagnostics. Once on the highway, I easily overclocked to 140 and tried to go at six. And it's not! Call the owner, and he replied: "Weird. I've been having. May be you do not go?..". And when it grew dark, it turned out one more unpleasant moment — this stooge before the sale took the car xenon :) However I got home. And when I removed the box and was disassembled, it was found that failure did not happen yesterday. Apparently, the previous owner brought it already with the defect. Lucky. Moreover, it became clear that the box model 166 with a longer gear. How does the Golf not to remember? :)

Shortly after the alpha I purchased a BMW 525е generation E28. The body is no accident and rust, but a little progress in terms of technology. I cleaned her up and sold:

BoomerangFull size

BoomerangFull size

BoomerangFull size

It was the summer. A few hours after I broke up with her, I called the new owner and complained that the oven is constantly blowing hot air. Imagine how fun it was to go from Vinnitsa to Dnepropetrovsk in the hot cabin. And I remembered that the valve of the stove is sometimes buggy. But in urban short journeys are not bothered, because he forgot himself and his hands came before him. But this forgetfulness very soon I hiccupped. I bought three in the back of E30. Taken in a remote village. Asked its owner — the car is not heated? In response to: "I was!". Ride through the village — it's all right, not heated, pulls well...Just went to the track, clocked up 100 and the temperature went to the red zone. I to the stove, and there is a knob that is broken off. The brake on the side, I do not remember what turn the temperature control to max, fan at a fourth speed forward. Now in the sauna I went. The window opened fully, but it's little help. The sweat was pouring hail. In this mode, I drove 500 km...

Such events make you think. Want-not want, and will become more honest and moral. I remember when the seller in the store gave you extra change, it brought joy. Instead of five hryvnia was given 50 — good luck! But today these things look different. For example, recently changed currency. At home, found in bundle of Docstoc extra bill. The next day we passed by the market and returned it. The money changers were moved to tears :) And about five years ago I would have squandered the money the same evening, making fun of the poor moneychanger-Loh.

By the way, the film "Boomer" about it, too. I think the Director and his name meant the theory of the boomerang, not the popular nickname of BMW. Remember how in the story everyone is rewarded according to his deeds, and greedy COP and the truck driver, injured a screwdriver one of the main characters, and actually friends the bandits. About the boomerang should always remember and try to live right. Sooner or later it will return to its thrower.

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digree 14.08.19

Of course. Yes and no crest, I ) I'm Greek. They're scams.

Blizzard84 14.08.19

Well, obviously it is not you going.

digree 14.08.19


And I don't need to shame his uncle, and about the TV is that you now th...breccia. Pathetic? Just carefully read what he says, or are you a story to tell of how Armenians helped the Russians to return the engine, which hydroweb...this crest withdrew quietly with their cousins?

Wait. When ever a surgeon will save a life, and you know that it is the crest...

Blizzard84 14.08.19

Idiot?! We already went to the individual? So handsome! For me, when in communication to personalities, then the person or down or flawed or something, with a limited set of letters in mind, choose who you are! And here Moscow, jesters of the province, and your opinion about them? The General theme was not about that, and you jump out of the stall to the barn and back. And on account of the "biblework", personally I have your opinion on "lay down" on top, and no need to teach me, you teach the wife to cook soup, I expressed my opinion to the author, he understood me — I am his and on this went, and what you have is not clear. Relax and exhale. And to support your slogans and curves interpretation in relations between the two peoples I'm not going. So I hope we put an end to our "not friendly" communication. Good luck.

Kamchatkas 14.08.19

You're an idiot.)) I was born here, grew up, as it is my homeland. Under the dispute can put "your" Moscow, as full provincial fools who came there with different provincial villages and feel SBA "Muscovites". ))))
But if you except your clown "of biblical", there is nothing more to say ... Wish you all the mutual and in a hurry to say goodbye )))

Blizzard84 14.08.19

That's why you dumped on the Kamchatka hero sofa?

Kamchatkas 14.08.19

You want to talk to you? So I have to disappoint you, you have this stuff the little boys talk in the courtyard of a beer and maybe listen ... I'm with you to conduct dialogues not intended.
Such cranky here and there are seen distressed at all ... maybe they are women missing from loneliness mad ))))
I know ... Quite know, because I lived there a year and a half, and even 5 years saw my friends there ... Yes, re-write the textbooks they ... Yes, "monuments" build ... Yes, the movies "documentary" is removed ... But not all as idiots believe it ... Here a lot of things about the DNI PI...DYT, about Ukraine ... Also podobayutsya this clown ... BUT ... Politics is one thing, but yet like you, the clowns from the other side of the border PI...see the nonsense will Yes, the people to set up — all will go according to the plan of the West, which systematically destroys our country.
So, enough with the aggressive polemics, and the rest of the brain — your anger to anything good will not, and will only configure NORMAL more people against Russia. And the Jews there, Ukrainians, Russians or Bulbash — leave it at home, in sartire. Also many who do not love, believe me ... But here and normally we can talk.

Blizzard84 14.08.19

And I don't need to shame his uncle, and about the TV is that you now th...breccia. Pathetic? Just carefully read what he says, or are you a story to tell of how Armenians helped the Russians to return the engine, which hydroweb...this crest withdrew quietly with their cousins?

Kamchatkas 14.08.19


This is no offense, so you no not want to have Affairs that you even each other neaby...Waite.

Damn ... well, I'm embarrassed for you. Not like a punk minor, must be more to see and more to understand, and so he...Nude "breccia".
It is a pity that grow ignorant, believers in all that they weave from the "box" ... That in/on Ukraine, which we, in Russia ...

Blizzard84 14.08.19

And you look to know the truth? Well, tell us "knowing the truth", and we will listen!

Kamchatkas 14.08.19


I didn't Scam and scammers were not. Do not need pity. This is just observations from life experience, Saint.

Don't pay attention. Enough fools everywhere, regardless of borders ...
What do you have that we have so he...Nude on TV, but "independent" Internet sites swinging that many "know the truth" appears ... trying to Teach ... hate each other ...
The important thing to that's the level not to drop.

somebody 14.08.19


But I do not believe in "boomerang", "g-d will punish you", etc. Think that it is dishonest need to learn "on the spot". Because boomerang can wait a long time, a lifetime.

Will be back 100%

digree 14.08.19

We're not judges. Boomerang knows better how hard to hit )

c4m4r0 14.08.19

But I do not believe in "boomerang", "g-d will punish you", etc. Think that it is dishonest need to learn "on the spot". Because boomerang can wait a long time, a lifetime.

Andrew323 14.08.19

Bodies honor!

digree 14.08.19

But the gun is real. Brother service was laid.

Andrew323 14.08.19

:))) And gun — wood!1111 :))))) If wood, then nishitama!111 Hiss PRA tibia п0с0нам on Raine will tell you that with a wooden pestle chase!11 Not п0с0няччи!11

digree 14.08.19

We were just goofing around. By the way, my photo jacket from Mac, and my brother in the jacket.

Andrew323 14.08.19

It is not in "like — not like" :))) Photos from the "trunk", "Cool", a La the 90s. Epic! :)) Monumental! П0с0ны understand, etc.:))) And Yes — "leather jacket" yet.

digree 14.08.19

What's not to like?

Andrew323 14.08.19

About? :)))

digree 14.08.19

Have questions?

Andrew323 14.08.19

Epic first pictures of rolls...

jakare 14.08.19

it's simple. if you know how to do things correctly and honestly, and not doing something is a sin, and you will be like a punishment, it's not valid for people with a blind conscience, in which there is no concept of morality

DTM-Servis 14.08.19

No, everything is fine, the ceilings are high.

Richmond86 14.08.19

are you a halo ceiling do not scratch accidentally?)

DTM-Servis 14.08.19

When I sell my cars always tell the person about all its jambs, very honestly and openly, and even those about which no one asks or who can get out to another (temperature ) time of the year.Know it's foolish, or rather unprofitable, but something like this.And not that I believed in "retribution from above" or "boomerang" and was afraid of it, just don't want me, then cursed, and cowardly shit feel don't want to, then respect yourself?Purely IMHO.

digree 14.08.19

Vinnitsa, crypt-mausoleum of the great surgeon Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov.

RedDallas 14.08.19

The first photo is not in Rozhdestveno case is made that in the Leningrad region?

Culman 14.08.19

...subscribe to every fact.

Danil111perm 14.08.19


Richmond86 14.08.19

absolutely true...what you sow so shall you reap.
remember the anecdote:
Dad and son once went to the mountains, and the son, having hit a rock and shouted:
And surprised to hear:
The boy asked:
— Who are you?
And he answered:
— Who are you?
Angered by this response, the boy screams:
— You fag!
And he answered:
— You fag!
The boy asked his father: "What's happening?"
The father smiled and said: "Listen to me carefully".
Father is shouting at the mountain:
— I respect you!
He answered:
— I respect you!
— You're the best.
His answer:
— You're the best.
— See, son? I'm the best, and I respect that. And you're a fag.

alexkwest 14.08.19

the moral:
don't be a shit and people will be attracted to you...

Rigger55 14.08.19

To live honestly and honestly very nice. And sleep calmly in the eyes no shame.)

digree 14.08.19

Thanks fortune not deception another :) I would have these 200 UAH. would win or just found.

Rigger55 14.08.19

...And found a home in the pack of Docstoc extra bill...
But if it was a "boomerang" for the money changers, and You Fortuna wanted to thank for something? Hypothetically...

myztic 14.08.19

Thank you for your interesting entry. Very pleased. Once again it is good to remember about this law!

my boomerang:

I, too, have sinned under age. the Internet we were stealing with the help of nukes and Trojans (as much as a man once complained to my parents — identified provider number of the phone)

so then I so unlucky long and so "taught" that now want to be more of a Saint than a robber :)

youreonlysql 14.08.19

digree, karma — thing cumulative. She then gives. Only cars have nothing to do with.

L200MINSKBajaT1 14.08.19

Chotko boomerang

yriksavin 14.08.19


Temka47 14.08.19

Unfortunately, not all are aware of this.Sometimes in order to understand the situation-must pass years.
Thanks for the article, it was interesting)

somebody 14.08.19

This is good, reap it and give...

OlegB67 14.08.19

All it is. Everyone will be rewarded for his deeds.
Good that you understand... and well now that probably their children will grow up the right and honest people, and the more decent people around, the better for all.

digree 14.08.19

Bit you )

TheScooby 14.08.19

about flying on OHCA neighing)))

digree 14.08.19

Yet the evening )

G-Garison 14.08.19

Everything written is true, but it is a rule of boomerang works not for all. I have works too, but I know a lot of people...burn them in hell...though henna:)

alex000666 14.08.19

Clearly written! All it is.

Bormotograf 14.08.19


Confession buy up))

Bought stuff, sold stuff )
And here — a boomerang effect, noble ... pathos too much )

serjik09 14.08.19

You need to live with dignity!

StivMcRoad 14.08.19

Such as the author, already do(

LuckyV 14.08.19

Never cheated in the sale of machinery, usually repaired and then sold. But still came across machines with shoals. Used car roulette, everything else is invented in the head. Take a new car and no such problems. Here's a conclusion.

veloboS 14.08.19

Bro, you're in trouble, tired to read!)))
The whole meaning and essence, as always in the end a couple of lines!
Totally agree with everything!

Now top ten sold.
Before the sale took dozens of jet.

So almost in a single day convocation with the seller and the buyer!)))) (the seller is the jets I bought ten for his younger brother)

In the cold under minus 40 he closed the door, and the glass fell down. I, successfully having a jet with the remote, decided to ride. So blown away by the motor of an oven!)))

More than the offense to our cars, we did not take!)))

Volan4ik 14.08.19

Super, the idea of deep!

Novo 14.08.19


All right said.
Still runs are not twisted .

With runs all right, you twisted, you twisted. The whole country drives on the new machines. =)

astd28 14.08.19

Well done!
With me about the same.
Once sold the smartphone, which had rewired the micro-USB entrance in citizenry and wrote, but could not write. I also last year gave delivery to the store on 1 thousand units of unstable currency, I returned it on the spot, literally.

somebody 14.08.19

Well, they understood. As you sow, so shall you reap. It's still up to us wise people, the monitoring was done.
Better late than never.

ProdriveKiev 14.08.19

Much is written. Makes on think...

HAUSS 14.08.19

Yes, boomerang is for sure!) but interestingly, bought the car in the markets they have never not speak the truth;))!.. I already feel sorry for them became;)! When they come back all lies!)))

Gaojijiqupin 14.08.19

Dostoevsky about it already wrote. Re-read "Crime and punishment".

StivMcRoad 14.08.19

There are just so many beautiful coincidences, they are stupid well, very hard to miss — especially cars, especially, are remembered (if you драйв2, you understand) And the fact that people interpreted them on morality — so it speaks to his values very much. Another person could complain every time, or not given importance. Skepticism is an interesting and necessary, but, unfortunately, only a temporary skill of interpreting the world.

607loss 14.08.19

Everything in life is random and there are cases that you personally interpret as coincidence.
Invent all sorts of boomerangs, which do not exist in principle.

KonstantinW 14.08.19

all it is. The essence of karma is similar — it is a regular boomerang. What you give, you get...

Escortman 14.08.19

long ago you wrote this post, but again he "came up in the ribbon". so the vital theme.

dimakiss 14.08.19


Look, most politicians are getting away with it. You see, those who believe in what will go down. And honest no(

Anyone that goes?You're WHOLE life and not know...

dimakiss 14.08.19


That's right...From the point of view of education.Only huckster deliverers, the bulk(about all will not), it is competitive in the market, because buying in the same Germashke ušatannyj automotive, nanizyvat and podkladyvayut "shoals", after writing in citizenry about the ideal condition and actual mileage.Nothing personal we have not.Just business...And if they don't do that, you're out of the market.Merchant with 15 years of experience on this theory, have to be disabled.But nothing, and live quite comfortably, some Yes happily.Boomerangs come to them sometimes, but they are already used to them and almost don't notice.The costs of the work.Examples can continue, the same credit office, who extort money from the population.These same boomerangs in the form of their Islands with coral reefs.Expose units(and those with little shared).This system is a total Scam.The only good news is that when such thoughts appear and are voiced-all is not lost.Good post, correct.Thanks for upright)).

What their children is, anybody know?

dimakiss 14.08.19

The thief stole a stick (Russian proverb)

digree 14.08.19

Yes, they are, thanks for the thoughtful comments!

RNG 14.08.19

Bandits )))

LTruck 14.08.19


Hmm... Four or five times found mobile phones and wallets. All were returned - I do not need someone else. Three years ago, his wife lost phone is a dick back. So. Make conclusions.

Hm, so there is a boomerang ))

kiryushaboroda 14.08.19

What you believe then you will believe in the boomerang.

Prudnikovskiy 14.08.19

And all right, boomerang it in Africa and boomerang from the if to describe the story too colorful work, so all right.

digree 14.08.19

Thanks for the informative review.

Prudnikovskiy 14.08.19

Bandos I would say)) to twist with Scorpio flowmeter is a super Scam))

Wedd 14.08.19

Yes, I also encountered a boomerang-you're right!

digree 14.08.19

How wonderful that my readers are highly conscious and decent people :)

moviesman 14.08.19

After reading the article why the thought, life, it you after Skorpio hinted, you like, and you're on Nakatani. And only years later the lesson was learnt))) the Important thing to understand, then you can apply the boomerang and the law of conservation of energy and a lot of other similar comparisons, but it is one...

Aleks-338 14.08.19

Rarely click on the "share" button... but now just such a case.

EKarpenko 14.08.19

Cars TOP, story TOP.

Dante63 14.08.19

as for the name "Boomer" correct guess) With the BMW title unrelated! And the fact that us life "arrives" should be seen as "payback".I have long understood it.

PEPER0007 14.08.19


Busaro 14.08.19


to be honest we must not for fear of the boomerang
exceptionally displayed when you're making a noble deeds and do not expect anything in return
and not to do bad, due to the fact that it then has not returned is an indication on what day is our consciousness

Boomerang life is for learning. Without him everyone would be decent

digree 14.08.19

Totally agree.

PEPER0007 14.08.19

to be honest we must not for fear of the boomerang
exceptionally displayed when you're making a noble deeds and do not expect anything in return
and not to do bad, due to the fact that it then has not returned is an indication on what day is our consciousness

west325767 14.08.19

what cool cars.I would be in all sorts of stuff not looked at the sight of these pristine bodies.

KA3AKCTAH 14.08.19

Allah Is Just!

9222 14.08.19

very true)

Bratiwka77 14.08.19

Most Patera liked

Ford black leather jacket and SN 100$ PPC. How we all suffered...

SerJ-2106 14.08.19

I read in one breath, history is history, one word is VITAL all this, so here it is!

nrBCG 14.08.19

As you want to be treated, so do yourself and all.
No boomerangs.

fresh07 14.08.19

To be honest, you just always confident.
Cars — beauty!

moff1978 14.08.19

Is energy . It is...

Geka777 14.08.19

Golden words!

Mik0lka 14.08.19

Karma she's so...

Servisinzhener 14.08.19

About the boomerang and deception rightly said. Always selling cars in perfect condition. The only one, but... Buyers b/a in principle, do not want to see the real runs. And fervently believe that all 5-7 year old cars have mileage or 80-90, or in rare cases slightly higher (110-115). There are not enough cars that have the mileage, but it can't be totally written in the ads. Two weeks no calls until the mileage was above a hundred, like twisted then immediately went to call.

digree 14.08.19

Thank you! Glad that you liked.
I sold the 156 and GTV, not because BMW is better. Such were the circumstances. Today I would love to have had them in his garage. But in our country the choice of these models in decent condition is very scarce. But, in my opinion, for example, the BMW E46 is better suited for everyday driving than the Alfa Romeo 156. She has a higher reliability and a better balance of consumer qualities. However, 156 me anyway like. Both in appearance and in the cabin, and on the go :)

StivMcRoad 14.08.19

Very cool article, thanks, and about the Boomer had no idea that the name can be about it, and when I read to alpha, I realized — all, this is your man, you can listen to) But I have killed so and sold it, but I think I will return — I will restore some more) I see you have hyperprolinemia in road lighter 80's and 90's — and a bunch of BMWs of all kinds, and the Italians were not afraid, and Porsche savored, and not even a Frenchman disdained. But I have a question — after a 156 V6 and GTV (in fact, probably the best models of the alpha and all those years on set of parameters) is still going BMW with a few splashes. This is because alpha is not charmed or BMW really better than them? Or just BMW set of qualities are more suitable? Or just like to try it? Just saying from Alphas difficult to shake off and still have met people who have. And then — no. Very interesting just to learn about the alpha man that they have compared many and made the choice not in favor of it))