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Baikal trophy 2013. Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal. Part I

Baikal trophy 2013. Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal
Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I
As we gathered
In the present Baikal we met in the summer of 2011. Then, three SUV's, crossing mountain rivers, trudging through rubble, we stormed the legendary "110 Zimnik". Abandoned highway that was to connect the BAM and Transsib. The place is respected by all lovers vnedorozhe. Looking at the Baikal I thought: "what an unusually beautiful in the winter...". Therefore, once the producer of TV channel "Drive" invited me to become a participant of ice travel "Baikal trophy 2013", I'm not thinking agreed. Don't often get the chance to drive around the perimeter of the greatest lakes in the world at the ice mirror. Not just to travel, but also the film shoot. All the most beautiful and interesting merged into one. Sure!
Pronchev in the same breath 1,800 kilometres From Novosibirsk to Irkutsk checked on your Nissan Navara, to join the expedition. In the group of ten SUVs, almost all Japanese: Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi. Mansion is the only British Land Rover Defender.
Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I
What begins the Great Sea.
Involuntarily squint looking at the dazzling ice of lake Baikal.
Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I
With ice we have to deal with the next 10 days. You need to overcome More than 2000 km in order to return to the starting point, in the village of Listvyanka. While I don't want to think that ahead of us there are numerous ice hummocks, gullies, squally wind, storms and snow.
The lake demands respect. Local residents have long known. Hence the tradition: "appease" a sacred place. Here it is called "morganite" to sacrifice to the Burkhan deity of lake Baikal. The movement can't begin just like that: a must-stop to pour a symbolic shot of one of the fingers of the right hand to sprinkle all four sides, sprinkle your leg with the number of their children, the iron horse, and of course the lake itself. All this must be done with clear thoughts, so that nothing bad we have not bothered. This will start now, every day of the expedition.
The first loss we are right at the start: overcoming the "swing" (two wide boards laid across the large icy Toros) one of the "land cruiser" breaks down, falling to the bottom of the icy barrier. A broken driveshaft. The team is 9 SUVs.
Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I
Here they are the first unforgettable moments...We're going for a smooth, transparent as glass half-meter ice. "It's a mirror," enthusiastically talking on the radios. The speedometer goes over 80 km/h... that's the pattern with these places will remain forever in my memory.
Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I
The ice on the lake can be different: perfect smooth mirror, in which I want to carry without looking back, "broken glass" — broken small pieces of ice frozen together, and this is the most dangerous hummocks. Such a big pond to live their life. Due to the difference of the depths, temperature, bottom topography, currents, seismic waves, the ice breaks up. Often in the same places. The large cracks are called "stenovymi slits", their width can reach several meters and a length of tens of kilometers. The greatest danger is that often everything is covered with snow and not knowing the road it's easy to fall between the ice floes.
Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I
One of the first rules of the expedition, safety, immediately sounded by the Commissioner of the expedition Mikhail Bobowski. The rules are simple: the car must always be a heavy subject, no one fastened safety belt (excuse us, the police), because wearing a seat belt can be the last obstacle to freedom. All of this is only need for one case: the machine fell through the ice. In this case, the operation is as follows:
· Kill the engine. The car then can get, but if it would sink with the engine running, the hammer can not be avoided. And it is death to the engine.
· Break the side window with a heavy object;
· Stay calm (the car is sinking not less than minutes) climb to the roof
· Throws clothes on the ice, in the hand a knife (also must be there)
· Jump into the water, clinging with a knife over the edge of the ice climbs.

The expected difficulties
Move along until quite thumb road, but it soon disappears. Getting the passage of the first ridges. Ahead is a leading vehicle, driving the head of the expedition, people are already far not one year traveling about winter Baikal and familiar with all the intricacies of such a drive. "Why are we stopped?" surprised look around the drivers of the second car. Hummocks are sometimes just not visible, they zamorachivat snow. Clearing with plain snow: underneath the water meter.

Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I

Go along the Toros need to find a narrow and a travel place. Often travel the place you have to prepare. Crack collapses (in the terminology of the organizers of the "sebutones") shards of ice, placed on top of a wide piece of canvas. Surprisingly, it well binds swaying mass. Here is the passage at speed.
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After the successful passage of "Toyota" forward rushes "Defender". First wheels SUV successfully flying a Taurus and my back begin to fall and he's at full speed of the rear wheels hits an ice floe. Flying with a canvas cover ass Englishman literally throws on a good meter. Nothing happened, but you need to look for another move. Everything here is too vague. For short cracks, there are two wide planks attached to the trunk of one of the forwarding machines.
At work. Shooting is the most important thing for me on this trip.
Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I
At sunset, everything looks different.
Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I

Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I

After a couple of stops at resorts, today most interesting: the Parking lot in the heart of lake Baikal on the ice.

Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I

Set the camp in the ice and cut through water-filled plunge pool. The XPS needs to be initiated: swim brand the icy water. Bathing is solved half of the participants, and this is not surprising: the sun in haze, already sits on the horizon, on the street -15. Those who have bathed do not regret it: some point it seems that you all stopped, froze...Powerful burst of adrenaline and life force explodes you from the inside! Today's energy was more than enough until the end of the trip.

Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I

"Men! Rise! The tent took" rumbles a voice. Hard atrrival eyes. On the hour the sixth hour of the morning. Night came, the Barguzin, the Baikal wind and swept our household tent. Collect what has been claimed.
Rover over night well covered.
Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I
Soon comes the bright, Sunny, sparkling morning.

Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I

For dinner we at the friends of fishermen. A week ago, at the request of the head of the expedition they have set the "face", a fishing tackle. Pull the trap out of the water. Before us is literally a huge mountain, flutter burbot. "Stranded we burbot lazily caught..." spinning in my head the words of the famous sayings. Cutlets of cod we eat in a few days.

Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I

Oh this ice...Our fear, hope and admiration... Looking at a giant, shimmering in the sun, slightly blue, transparent blocks of ice, piled up on the West coast, I think about beauty. Fascinates and charms the spectacle of the crystal Kingdom.
Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I
Charm quickly like when we returned to the cars: suddenly there is a loud Bang. Frantically looking around, "Where? Where to go? Whose car?". "The ice just playing, it's normal" calm, experienced people. No matter how many times it happened, inside I was still grouped ready for emergency evacuation. But treacherously Potresov, ice calmed down and everything is back to normal.

The ice is just fantastically beautiful!

Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I

By the way do not forget about the simple rule: never Park cars close to each other on the ice.

On the way to Cape Kotelnikovsky to Severobaikalsk on the road more and more snow. Move slowly. Consumption on petrol cars sometimes exceeds 40 liters per hundred. Open the stock canisters. Automatic transmission on some cars starts to overheat. In Severobaikalsk buy little things from spare parts, refuel and take off today to drive to the tourist center "Khakusy". The road races begin!

First series:

To be continued. Part II

Baikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part IBaikal trophy 2013 Full circle on the ice of lake Baikal Part I
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Smollwille 17.08.19

I read, watched with pleasure! Great trip!
Live the dream appeared, will go on a similar expedition)

Evgeniy0159 17.08.19

Baikal still beautiful...

DaPoh 17.08.19

Just awesome!

missenergi 17.08.19

long ago I dream, at least just to see to come to the lake! I'm not talking about trophy)) the extraordinary beauty there! thank you for the wonderful story and photos with vidio! pleased!

AlexeyII 17.08.19

Wow! Men, You damn.handsome!

Goshqai 17.08.19

I like your ride) beautiful!

Yevgeniy4G63 17.08.19


RuNekit 17.08.19

There are no words! Super!

NivaVodochka 17.08.19


Ship99 17.08.19

beauty no words!I envy white envy!)))

Dr-offroad 17.08.19

I also dream like that!

kamerzan 17.08.19

Of course!:-)

aludov 17.08.19

Look at the Baikal ice is not boring, he is always handsome. Thanks for the story, please continue!

audisline8080 17.08.19

Good luck to you!We have in RB you drive sometimes showing, always look

VPVPCP 17.08.19

da eto ne igrushki!Serioznoe business!

SpyAgent 17.08.19

Handsome. Steep mileage and Steep nature!

NikolayDilevsky 17.08.19

No words. Must be able and willing!

BarsikCat 17.08.19


RedPepper88 17.08.19


s-a-s-h-o-k 17.08.19


Game13 17.08.19

With huge pleasure looked forward to the second series! =)

Zeffirka174 17.08.19


TatianKO 17.08.19

Class! Thank you, as the house visited!

Apuci 17.08.19

Lyapota ☻

ILL-86 17.08.19

Cool! Well done!

Bodyguard407 17.08.19


venom4u 17.08.19

Class! So much beauty and adventure, well done )))))

Freeride79 17.08.19


Me the part cost nothing, and in 2013м about 100,000 R. on the crew was.

got it, thanks )

alkov 17.08.19

Gorgeous, unbelievable... we are going soon, too, though not as extreme, in Elista, Volgograd, Astrakhan. A very long look at your video, it staggers the imagination.

GoshaLevin 17.08.19


BaRbate-ToLiK 17.08.19

Incredibly beautiful!)

kamerzan 17.08.19

Soon to come :-)

madokk 17.08.19

where prodoljenie?(((

vasisdas79 17.08.19

Good photo, but the fact that they have no more excites, attracts and calls.

kamerzan 17.08.19

at first it was uncomfortable. Then I used to.

st4s 17.08.19

Generally sykotno on the ice call ))), great journey ! and photo class !

LLIOTATEJIb 17.08.19


puzatbli 17.08.19

Just a wonderful trip.

V1rusT 17.08.19

Class. The font turned out awesome!

ADD106 17.08.19

It's just cool guys!Well done.From the video, so much emotion.Imagine how much you have))))

IvM6 17.08.19

In the course, major/valuable things should carry on the roof that should be able to save) But still, most importantly, time to evacuate from the salon!

kamerzan 17.08.19

Where shallow (near the shore), there is still a chance to get. And Baikal is insanely deep...there's no chance

IvM6 17.08.19

From the stories I heard it was that the car went under the ice? and to reach them? Baykal, Oh so deep...

Mazzaxakka 17.08.19

looked at the drive, and love...most of all I liked swimming! also be sure to get to the lake!

DrV25 17.08.19

Chic expedition for a strong spirit! Watched the video with gusto!


Exemplary narrative!

DsOne 17.08.19


Shuriben 17.08.19

Amazing, as much to sleep forgot to sleep))

3MEUrO-PblHbl4 17.08.19

just awesome, well done guys, and indescribable beauty)

s-edik 17.08.19

Good luck and don't break!

Smolyanoi 17.08.19


MihaNN52 17.08.19

gorgeous, charming, but Oh...

rscustoms 17.08.19


WHITE-BEAR 17.08.19

Well done! Also I think something like that to start...

A1M2 17.08.19

Krasivooo! Jealous)!

somebody 17.08.19


maik-drive 17.08.19

Very cool, but still beautiful. Good luck and success)))

AlexM24 17.08.19


palich-RUS 17.08.19

Yes awesome

BarracudaRash 17.08.19

Beautiful and Cool!

Artem-RUD 17.08.19


ViViMN 17.08.19

Def is, but time...

Diagnost28 17.08.19

Nostalgia. When he lived there, constantly visited the lake. Cool.

zmFrukt 17.08.19

AWESOME Men) is a Good outing)

evgenic13 17.08.19

Open new dreams and the desire to visit those places

AleFF 17.08.19

Well done, just very cool! a wonderful photo))

malginsb 17.08.19


Shein-A 17.08.19

Mixed feelings...trophy damn...good luck guys...well done

doc19 17.08.19


oDyBaN4uk 17.08.19

Incredibly, krasotischa!

Startsev 17.08.19

this year the ice hasn't everywhere got up, dangerous. The more cracks, the ice is thin.

Spartak-Agador 17.08.19

Cool, brave man, well done!Place krasivennye.Watched and wanted to own an SUV:)

ipsum503 17.08.19

Prizerayu, Masloboev in the Holy lake of the country...((((((-----------sucks

In vain!

samurai10 17.08.19

But overheating is, and on the mechanics of the no.

ipsum503 17.08.19


Just beautiful. Once again we see the machine for an SUV does not roll.

Roll, more like a roll!

ipsum503 17.08.19

Ridden twice on lake Baikal With the Holy Nose to Severobaikalsk and back all the exactly want more!
To hakusi Bowlers.

ilysik 17.08.19

Handsome-envy! In the summer I will try to get Bo of lake Baikal!

kkkzz 17.08.19

Damn familiar places, what you do is simply breathtaking)))

zurabus 17.08.19

Great app.)))))

5384080 17.08.19

well done! super photo. Yes, everything is super!

somebody 17.08.19

You guys are great!

somebody 17.08.19

The day of the Soviet Army and Navy! ✈ this 🚀 🚢 ⭐ app 🇷🇺

andyauto-md 17.08.19


kyrooon 17.08.19

Alexey, heartily Thank you for your movies.
Good luck in all your travels.

holger 17.08.19

Just no words! Lepota :)

mb_zap 17.08.19

Well done guys, a very interesting expedition.
I congratulate all with day of the defender of Fatherland

Maddiesel 17.08.19

Here is a trip, well done!

Fargus106 17.08.19

Story, video and photos are amazing))well Done))

Gazan077 17.08.19

It but dumb))

Reebok883 17.08.19

Interestingly, waiting for the second part.

romanvs 17.08.19


somebody 17.08.19

Very exciting! Almost like Jack London )))

DemonKot 17.08.19

Nissanit in the pictures above, it's like being on the surface of the real water costs and not on the ice)

Peugeot180888 17.08.19

Why not attracted is a legendary UAZ prepared for the trophy

carioca 17.08.19

UAZ with 37 meters raised. always there is a solution. the main diver.and what to say: friends the diggers technique is not from out of the water and out, and out of the quagmire. then it's on may 9 at the monument is renovated.

kamerzan 17.08.19

You can raise or in shallow water or if it is not completely drowned. And there is no chance.

MrTaR 17.08.19

what is there is the depth that the car can be lifted?) and how? a helicopter?
and so very informative. I'd love to read! pictures of all class!

carioca 17.08.19

I will not consider the sale at all)) and if it is a favorite expediciones built his own? does it have a price?))

unmik 17.08.19

how much can you sell then drowned with neskolkometrovuyu depth ? )

carioca 17.08.19

throughout the issue price

unmik 17.08.19

given the depth of the lake...yeah...

carioca 17.08.19


Baikal ice is something...how to get a car from the lake, if she sinks ?

how hard can it be? the main thing a diver need with the outfit, well, and desire:))

carioca 17.08.19

the density of different!
know! checked:))

kamerzan 17.08.19

There's a perfectly clear explanation ;-) I'll tell you more, you hand in 60 degree water will not stick.

carioca 17.08.19


At a water temperature of +1, like -15, the air is much warmer :-)

yeah. interesting:) when the water in the 100-sarissa, and the air in the bath 120-OK:))

carioca 17.08.19


With Americom don't know... I prefer the manual box.

probably still mechanical. after all, no foot in my opinion.

becks2000 17.08.19

Thank you!

JacksSson 17.08.19

Beautiful... and adventure)

gav-foto 17.08.19


baks88 17.08.19


kot-808 17.08.19


BlackRotor 17.08.19

I grew up on lake Baikal.But this story is only 00.1 percent that is, it is in reality.Winter on the lake I like even more than summer.

Berdsk154 17.08.19

The beauty of 5 +, but how many forgettable moments .

ms0902 17.08.19

The words practically do not exist!

somebody 17.08.19

Yes! I was there! Everything was great!

SpiRiT686 17.08.19

Video only the first part has or still is?

Sema84 17.08.19

Very cool.

mishoutback 17.08.19

Alex, in his vreyam your movie inspired us to go see winter Baikal and Olkhon island, to drive on ice! And that happened so naskolko allowed our car)) travel.drom.ru/59466/