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Gave it for repair - report before and after - Toyota Altezza, 2.0 l., 1999

Gave it for repair - report before and after - Toyota Altezza 20 l 1999

Shit happens - some kind of freak drove into a parked Alcove and drove away. I had to throw up my hands at the broken front bumper and damaged hood.

But there is never a silver lining, as they say - in a tuning studio I bought new tumanki (high beam modules for tuning, Auto Kraft or something, ideally fit) and a set of Japanese xenon! I took everything to the service, they will put it. And then the native blue-yellow ones did not really like it + one was smashed with a stone on the track :( And the new original current in a pair and for 12 tr. (!)

And one more thing: I paint the middle lower section of the bumper in black ...;)

PS: I ended up having a fight with the owner of the car service before he took the car (stupid, huh?), I did not like how he bred me rudely on the grandmother ... I wonder if this will affect the final result ?! )))

VERDICT: nothing affected the result, I'm happy!

"It was-now" (if you click the last photo, you can see almost the entire machine):

Gave it for repair - report before and after - Toyota Altezza 20 l 1999Gave it for repair - report before and after - Toyota Altezza 20 l 1999Gave it for repair - report before and after - Toyota Altezza 20 l 1999 Price tag: 20,000 ₽ Mileage: 110,000 km
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Kassir22 01.12.20

beautiful with black bottom. As if he is not there at all.
In the people karyavy - can not park

Sokol 01.12.20

Yeah ... and not only to park, and after all, very few people know how to drive as it turns out;)

Sokol 01.12.20

1. Crosses in a 100m body are not much more expensive
2. There is no better car for this money
3. altezza-club.ru

Man-190 01.12.20

Is the car expensive to maintain? How do you like her?
I am also planning to buy Alteza, but have not yet found it in good condition. But already aimed at the kind of quest. I already want to be the owner of Alka too!))