Kyb Ultra SR — logbook Toyota Corolla 1997
The front shock absorbers were still leaking at the time of purchase, the heat and the excellent road surface of our city finished them off. The suspension was planned to be dealt with next year, but circumstances are forcing it to be done now. I wanted a horse sport kit, but the delivery time leaves much to be desired. a friend has been waiting for such a kit for six months ((There are reports of poor quality, but I can’t judge this normally, because many people drive and everything is fine.
Why is ultra cf, these racks are not very expensive 12tyr a set, and at the same time they work normally with an underestimation Moderately hard and not very soft, some kind of "golden" middle is obtained.After a week of use, I am satisfied, the road feels normal, and the spine does not whine, while the lock began to work noticeably better, apparently the strut began to fail less in the turn.