Muffler. Spain. And more ... - Toyota Celica, 1.8 liter, 2004
I had a lot of thoughts on replacing the rear muffler
: I wanted to give a little aesthetic beauty;
- secondly, of course, the sound ... I wanted more :).
The first experiment to replace the muffler satisfied only the first requirement. Those. put a beautiful chrome bank instead of regular. But I didn’t add sound, because, as it turned out, it was necessary to change the entire track after the catalyst, because. an additional huge barrel for noise reduction is installed - we will do without it :).
In this regard, I ordered a new muffler from America for a new 63 mm pipe, i.e. 2.5", before that it was 54 (~2"). I will cook the whole straight pipe. I think now the sound will be enough. But it will be possible to do this and show you not earlier than in 1.5 weeks - tomorrow I am leaving for Spain. Finally made myself a vacation :)). I hope I will come with new forces and emotions.
Changed headlight bulbs the other day. I ordered Philips Crystal Vision H7 4300 K from America. I was very pleased with the pleasant white light against yellow. I advise everyone who wants to find an alternative to xenon!
I also bought a filter in a box and oil, for prevention, although they were changed in Germany ... for a long time, of course, I was looking for a filter at suitable prices, in the end I couldn’t find it anywhere except the official one. dealer - 125 euros (no one could send from America to Europe, and it costs about 30 euros there) filter + 2 gaskets (one - on the pallet, the second - O-ring on the filter) and Mobil 1 ATF 3320 oil took 5 liters for 75 euros.
I'll change everything as soon as I get there. At the same time, I will change the belt for auxiliary devices and put on heating - the winter is not tanning, it freezes at night already. And body polishing is also for prevention. We do a lot of things. I think it will be useful.
That's all for now! Good luck to all! And more sunny and warm days for you!
ps the pictures, of course, are not very good, but the main thing is that you can understand and distinguish the idea of ​​​​the picture :)
ps2: on the pictures there is also the first lambo in our city, and in general, which I have ever seen live, not counting the car dealership in Moscow.