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Fiberglass Hood - Toyota Celica 2.0L 1994

Fiberglass Hood - Toyota Celica 20L 1994

Leafing through the ads, I found a reverse nostril in Vladivostok (through it, the air leaves the engine compartment). I found a friend there, so that he would look and buy it. In the future, he will have to put it on the mail baggage train and I will finally get my cargo at the railway station! I sent him money by bank transfer and am waiting. Next, I need to remove the matrix from my hood and glue the nostril into it. In the process I will throw out the photo! Now in search of a garage and locks on the hood :). CONTINUED. Found locks in Vladivostok. I looked for a brand so that it could be seen. D1 generetion. Aerodynamic locks. I bought it in the same way as the nostril. I didn't glue my nostril. In the process of making matrices, another idea was born. He sculpted it himself. I will say that this is far from an easy process. Very tedious, tedious, long work. Until you bring all the forms out of plasticine so that there are no bumps and dips (otherwise, When you remove the matrix, the product will turn out to be very crooked. In general, having gained strength, I completed it. Here's what happened. I tried to observe the sequence of work and every photo, but sometimes my hands were covered in tar, the phone sat down, then I just forgot. In general, do not judge the photo report strictly.

Fiberglass Hood - Toyota Celica 20L 1994Fiberglass Hood - Toyota Celica 20L 1994Fiberglass Hood - Toyota Celica 20L 1994Fiberglass Hood - Toyota Celica 20L 1994Fiberglass Hood - Toyota Celica 20L 1994Fiberglass Hood - Toyota Celica 20L 1994Fiberglass Hood - Toyota Celica 20L 1994Fiberglass Hood - Toyota Celica 20L 1994
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englab 01.12.20

Stsuko, tune a little :)

arseniy 01.12.20


aka-mazai 01.12.20

just like that! It seems to be called Gialla ... I don't know how much it costs! They didn't want to do it in Irkutsk! I don't like crap from the model ... Or just the sides of the lining

englab 01.12.20

Thank you :) I did it myself. In the garage :) but what kind of skirt? How is the stock?

aka-mazai 01.12.20

Well done! Can't tell you where you did it. I would make myself a lining or skirt on the rear bumper!

englab 01.12.20

yes, not a bad slip. if on the sides, then it is not difficult. if everything is done, then it is also not difficult. just more time. in general it can be done.

govorin 01.12.20

thanks. We will try. I just have experience working with resin, but not with such large details, but mainly with podiums, sub bodies, in general, in
car audio :) so I decided to mess up and make myself a hood :)

englab 01.12.20

2 layers + reinforcement on the outside and sticks.
about 4 thousand, taking into account the matrix (did not save at all.) could be done in 3-3.5
drying takes place at room temperature for a day (maybe even less.). no, it did not work.

govorin 01.12.20

Can I ask around a little)))
in how many stages did you apply the resin for the matrix?
how much resin and fiber did it take?
when drying did not lead?

englab 01.12.20

it's very difficult :) I also thought that everything would be okay! There are a lot of little things. I did it under the guidance of a person who knows. The hood was my first experience. Now the wings are being prepared for Pakraska, I already made them myself.

englab 01.12.20

Thanks! In the summer you need to rest, and in the winter you need to work on the car :) and in the summer you still need to drive it. But if the car is flying in the garage, it does not please.

Zauber 01.12.20

it turned out great and the transformation of the car is noticeable! I think in the summer to repeat your feat ... and you no longer need an onboard but a combat log :)

englab 01.12.20

thanks :) I want to try to make such a carbonaceous one ...

TUZ 01.12.20

excellent work, credit

englab 01.12.20

matte paint :)

Lexa666 01.12.20

and than painted, the color is such a rubber ... class))

englab 01.12.20

at the expense of the simple, I would not say. but try that the plane is even. and at the sky under the grill of the rajiator there is still a bend. the rigidity should not be made from radial ribs. you remove the matrix from them and everything. everything that does not fall into the heat outlet, you stick everything on the sealant.

StasKrsk24 01.12.20

That is why Skye does not have such a simple and small hood as the rear sight? :))

I also started this kind of work on my hood. I have a question one, from which to make the reinforcement, from two or more, crosswise, metal strips?

Where can you buy them in Krasnoyarsk?)

englab 01.12.20

I did this: I cut a strip along the contour of the entire hood. I impregnated it with resin and connected 2 parts. I screwed it in and out with self-tapping screws (so that the resin would stick well). Then, when it was dry, I glued the stiffeners to a heat-resistant sealant.

StasKrsk24 01.12.20

In, I did just that, I removed the matrix from my own ribs, now I'm thinking how to stick it to the top hood lid: -

There is such an option: attach these two parts to each other, smear the edges with resin, and inside the back of the hood there is a hole (I made the lower part of the hood only around the perimeter), cover it with fiberglass strips and fill it with resin, do you think it will work out okay?

StasKrsk24 01.12.20

Yes, right ... And yesterday I stuck both sides on a strip of fiberglass impregnated with resin, today I came to the garage, the hood is oblique, at one wing it is sunk into the inside, a gap of 1 cm at the other wing sticks out so that a 1 cm gap is formed, I shocked ...

englab 01.12.20

it can also be adjusted with rubber bands. How are the hood hinges attached to the kapot?

englab 01.12.20

Well, I also did. I glued them to the rib of the stiffener. And then the stiffeners to the hood cover. At the expense of leveled. I didn't understand… what exactly? It turns out even after removing the product from the matrix.

StasKrsk24 01.12.20

Well, I took metal strips (2), drilled holes in them, inserted the bolts there, welded the hat on the other side, put it in the lower part of the hood and rolled it up with fiberglass strips. Glued two halves of the hood and that's it. And today in the garage I tore off this lower half, all the jambs because of it, I will do without it.

Are there any other options?

StasKrsk24 01.12.20

And how did you level the hood surface?

AdlMk 01.12.20


I just did not do it smartly :) I immediately put layers of fiber on my own hood and removed it from the resulting shape, the inner side is perfectly flat. it adjoins the hood, but the top one can hardly be called even ...

Maybe I'm doing it wrong? maybe the fact that I now only have a matrix? And you need to put more layers inside the matrix? And only then will a normal product be obtained?

Then I immediately have a question, what to use as a separator? : -

Some people coat the matrix with mastic. it dries like wax. I saw the hood, in the manufacture of which the owner generally overlaid everything with a falga.

englab 01.12.20

of course this is a matrix matrix :)) aha :) a separator? hmm. I smeared the surface with special wax, and gelcoat, as a leveling layer. You can see in the photo.

StasKrsk24 01.12.20

I just did not do it smartly :) I immediately put layers of fiber on my own hood and removed it from the resulting shape, the inner side is perfectly flat. it adjoins the hood, but the top one can hardly be called even ...

Maybe I'm doing it wrong? maybe the fact that I now only have a matrix? And you need to put more layers inside the matrix? And only then will a normal product be obtained?

Then I immediately have a question, what to use as a separator? : -

englab 01.12.20

special wax.buy.on the base where the whole thing is sold.the name is, but I don’t remember.to remove the product from the matrix: apply wax to the matrix.apply the gelcoat.and then wait until it starts to weld and then put the fiber.without it you can, but the quality will be worse. and more work for the preparer. why complicate life for yourself and others :)

StasKrsk24 01.12.20

And yet, the separation process is not fully understood, what kind of wax, does it have a name, and where can you buy it? First, wax the matrix and then gelcoat? Can you do without a gelcoat?

StasKrsk24 01.12.20

Everything is clear, but after the gelcoat has been applied it needs to be leveled?) And when the product is detached from the matrix, will its surface be even? Could it be crooked because the gelcoat is not evenly distributed?

englab 01.12.20

If the matrix is ​​good, then the product will be good. The gelcoat should be applied in an approximately even stand, with a brush. and that is the side that will be the outer one, it will be perfectly flat from the matrix. but what comes in contact with the fiber, it doesn’t care whether it will be there or not. even the Toyota inscriptions remain :)

englab 01.12.20

you are welcome:)

StasKrsk24 01.12.20

Now everything became clear, thanks =) I went to start the conveyor: D

englab 01.12.20

I am not in contact :) please contact me, no problem.

StasKrsk24 01.12.20

If suddenly questions arise, can I contact you?

To avoid flooding in this thread, the conversation can be moved to vkontakte.ru/id6906315

StasKrsk24 01.12.20

Wax works wonders, everything can be removed very easily and without any consequences :)

englab 01.12.20

only plastic.

StasKrsk24 01.12.20

Did you make the wings entirely of plastic? Did you insert any metal strips in the Places of attachments?

englab 01.12.20

in what sense? did not quite understand you.

StasKrsk24 01.12.20

But first they worked with the tin, right?

englab 01.12.20

I removed the matrix from my own wings. Then I saw the product. And then I sawed the product, I made what holes I needed and glued it.

StasKrsk24 01.12.20

Well, found some left wings, cut them, welded gills => matrix => the wings themselves?

ckaBapogka 01.12.20

you then, as usual, just forget to call when you start doing something)))

englab 01.12.20

yes, no problem :) what can I tell you :)

ckaBapogka 01.12.20

Andryukha, teach me how to do the details :) if you cheat this year, I would attend. in order to gain experience, and mb wings myself, and all that I can do :)

englab 01.12.20

I'll call :))

ckaBapogka 01.12.20

watch me :)))

englab 01.12.20


Freddy-Krueger 01.12.20

It was awesome! Come to visit me!