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Inheritance from the old owner. - Toyota Carina ED, 2.0 L, 1995

Inheritance from the old owner  - Toyota Carina ED 20 L 1995

From the old owner got a bunch of diseases had to be promptly treated, so that in the future it was possible to move by car. Here is a list of what has been replaced: 1-timing belt 2-rollers 2pcs. 3-oil seals 3pcs + oil pump gasket 4-breather 5- breather rubber band 6-tramler ring 7-valve cover gasket 8-hydraulic and generator belts 9-bearing and rail oil seal 10-engine mount 2pcs .-------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- I did everything on the service

Price tag: 13 700 ₽ Mileage: 185 700 km
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banshee 01.12.20

I mean, I came to the garage with a bag of spare parts, disassembled and assembled =)

Fena24 01.12.20

In the sense went through? By yourself or in the service? I was counted in the service kapitalka 15 if I'm lucky, and so it's better to focus on 20,000 rubles. The contract 3s-fe costs 20,000, without the attachment. So I think it's better to order a contract engine with a guarantee, even for a month, but this should be enough to check it, unless, of course, chemistry is poured into it for normal operation, as the previous owner of my car did.

banshee 01.12.20

However, you gave the money ... horror. I completely went over the motor in 12 ... plus a complete bulkhead of the rack - another 2800 ... a nightmare ...

Paramon 01.12.20

Yes, a lot. It will be cheaper to do it yourself then. But now there is nowhere to do winter and I don’t risk climbing myself yet. And not everyone can read your story.