Fished a little - Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, 3.0 liter, 1997
A few pictures have accumulated from the last hunting boats ...
As I already wrote, I didn’t have time to put the hand-made salent blocks, as an hour later I was already heading out of the city in the company of two dogs.
While we were driving, a razdatka buzzed near our bedroom-Kamaz of an all-terrain vehicle! We returned home, threw things into a minivan, and it drove with grief to the hits, broke the front spring on the way! But we still managed to fish a little, even the rain did not interfere!
This is a field refueling
And this is the gas station logo)
To have a place to sleep, I had to take a shishiga
Our Kazakh steppe got a little wet after a hot summer without a single rain
Steppe river Teke
Kalenki land
The clay is such that all the plastic falls out, the fender liner is trash! The men found the wing extension on Patrick
You can’t wash clay with water, you have to pick it out
"Go away, otherwise I'll pulnu with a stone. We don't even need such people here")))
The film is cruel
and yesterday on ort at night they showed a Russian movie about a girl, Volchek is called. She said so
Rubber rows very well! Not MUDs of course, but the golden mean! Doesn't buzz, doesn't eat on asphalt.
About nothing, "even", also watched a movie)