Recording, October 30, 2010 — Toyota Sprinter, 1.5 liter, 1998
I sat with a girl at the race track, listening to music in the car. Then I went out for 10 minutes, waited until she passed the exercises, I sit back down ... the car won’t start, and the signaling beeps after it doesn’t start ... and so on three times ... I’m already asking the man from the next car. he sits down. that is, she simply refused to start up normally with me ... because of = what could this be? Maybe the battery is dying?
Drive up to Kondomskoye highway 8 on a weekday before 5 o'clock, ask me there - we will check your battery!;)
I had problems with the old battery ...
I turn off the car for 1 minute the music plays and the car still does not start ...
My prediction for the winter is you need to change the battery ...
Ooooooooooooooooooo Novokuznetsk)) I will also take Sprint soon sbe) We will meet each other))))
In such a situation, it is necessary to remove the Akum terminals, clean them and attach them back with high quality, most likely the minus does not hold well.
It is checked like this, we take the wires for lighting and throw both (or one) to the minus, the other end to the mass, for example, to the hook of the engine and voila, the car started up.
Kuzne hello and Ivanov too =)