AHTUNG PLA! I BECOMING AN INQUISITOR! — Toyota Crown, 2.0 liter, 1988
Today I dismantled the front of the engine. And…Honestly? Nichrome did not understand where the oil is oozing from ... Why? YES BECAUSE IT'S ALL IN OIL AND IN LIQUID! I removed the camshaft covers and you know what I saw? Not? Believe it or not… there was no piece of gasket under one cover! And you know what's even more terrible? WHAT UNDER THE SECOND GASKET WAS NOT AT ALL!
Tell me ... My brain is already working wrong right now after what I saw! HOW COULD YOU COLLECT THE ENGINE?!
PS I was finally convinced that the crown was in the most terrible hands in all of the black earth!
Tomorrow I'll run to buy gaskets and seals at the same time … I WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING!