Three years ago… — Toyota Land Cruiser, 4.2 liter, 1997
On the Quiet Quest, he landed in a reclamation canal. Right after the start. Well, cut a little in the meadow. Who knew what was hiding in the high reeds ... The car jumped on a bump and slammed its limber into the canal. The hood was in the water. Further attempts to get out to the other side with the front swan - to no avail, and even the solenoid refused to turn on for unwinding. Kevlar had to be cut to get free. And behind there was not enough either a powerful winch or anchors ...
Result: five hours later, with the efforts of a winch on Shishig and a small Isuzzu, with the help of a dozen people, raising the butt on High Jack, they managed to pull out the Sculbus with the engine no longer working
Hmm, I lay down tightly) I also had a case - with my face in the stream, I caught on the bridge, and rubber, swans, blockages and 3 people were not enough for evacuation. Saved by a trained 80 with a swan)
Well, damn, if you don’t want to work with your head, use your hands)) How many times have I said to myself “well, why the hell did I get here, there’s a detour, why didn’t I go out, didn’t look.†))
Then they told me why the navigator did not run ahead?!
Yes, because there was the usual high reeds and absolutely solid ground. The speed was not high, somewhere around 15-20 km / h and ... there was an adrenaline rush after the start: from the start we drove no more than a couple of kilometers, and up to a point of about 300 meters.