Acquaintance continues (disassembly) (16 photos) - Toyota Celica, 1.6 L, 1984
Celica now lives under a roof, it's time to undress her. She is already a big girl, so there is no need to be ashamed, especially since, judging by the tracks, they undressed her more than once ... and not with straight arms ...)
Thanks to the past "professionals" for a pile of rubbish, old emery cloth, scissors and a few rusty keys))) They've got out of the trash heap in the car anywhere.
The sagging ceiling, half removed from the mountings, definitely interfered with my acquaintance with the car, more visually than real)
There was a hatch in the back seat. No, not transparent - metallic)
After I ransacked the trunk, finding there bumpers, shock absorbers and some kind of crazy-sized rubber mat, I did open the metal
And the metal was good! This is a rather rare occurrence on old Japanese cars - it happens that on younger Japanese women, the place in the spare wheel area simply rotts to the point of holes. Here, surface rust, probably from moisture, will be eliminated without problems.
So, as you can see in the photo, the left door is a little bit closer to the wing - it rested against the wing and did not want to open further: I decided to remove the left front fender, which had been straining me for a long time, molded from rusty metal with an admixture of fiberglass ... terrible performance.
I hope I can find a better metal one too.
And the condition of the metal under the wing turned out to be very good, although it was also repainted (it was red).
Well, the dusty engine compartment.
Meet. The reader is 4A-GE, 4A-GE is the reader. As many as 130 tired horses live in this small 1.6-liter engine - we will refresh it too, but not this week)
Next is the salon.
Thanks to the crooks. how it was possible to contrive.
This pen is more associated with the GAZ-24 than with the Selika 84th)) It somehow looks like a collective farm) We need to check for originality)
Well, the end of the photo report will be the removed cardboard of the ceiling, which I already photographed after the lights were turned off in the garages - 22 hours - I was late)
There will be more tomorrow)