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Cylinder head repair - Toyota Corona, 2.0 L, 1993

Tortured daily engine cold start, tripping, claps on gasoline.
I gave it to the service station for diagnostics, the result is different compression in all pots. 11 9 13 11, the oil in the pot does not help.
Definitely something with the valves.
Decided to remove the cylinder head diagnose.
Evening in the garage after work, the Japanese engine gave in to us with a tool, an adjustable wrench, a knife and some kind of mother.
The head is removed.
We checked the gaps with petals - uzhos. there are almost none. The valves did not close.
I call the services, how much does the diagnostics cost (check valves, seats, gaps between pushers). Many do not understand, they say, what is there to diagnose? o_O
Price range per view / measure from 500-3000 .
Money maximum 1000-1500.
Where to take the head is not clear.

To be continued…

A week has passed.
We washed and cleaned the nozzles at once, using the Kulibin method ;-) It will be necessary one more time.
We took the contract head, but it looks like it's too loose, the lid is black, a lot of carbon, as we saw when we took it. Let's go and take another one.
It remains to buy a gasket, antifreeze, an oil filter, oil scraper, rubber rings for nozzles, and collect all this.
A. still a broken connector for genes and some kind of plastic tube of the vacuum system from the cylinder head cover.

UPD 27.04 We
handed over the purchased contract, we managed to look at another head for 4500, there is even more soot, and the lid is all burnt (black). Didn't they change the oil and filters at all? Nafig then need such a contract?
Tomorrow another search for a normal head.

UDP 29.04
Two days ago we bought another contract head. There was no limit to our joy, this is what the office is really engaged in with the contract, well, what is 2 thousand more expensive, it looks like it did not leave more than 50 thousand, and everything changed (filter oil), the cover is generally perfect. Everything is in salidol, closed and packed.
We clean off the salidol, wash everything, buy materials.
We begin the assembly process. Everything is as usual, the keys are bolts, nuts and some kind of mother. The engine is almost complete, but once again we check the timing roller - it makes noise! It makes a lot of noise. It is necessary to change ... damn the day when ... :)
It was decided to change, you don't need to save on such things, and you don't want to climb into the engine anymore. The belt itself is normal. A couple of strokes will remain and start;)

PS that plastic contraption was a crankcase gas circulation valve (breather) =) Costs 350r. novye.

UPD 05/01/2009
And all the same, we are deletants, vacuum tubes, we had to sign them :) Of course we put everything in the right place, but remembered for a long time. They put everything together, they didn't seem to forget anything, replaced the rollers, pulled them on, so what? start?
Hands are shaking, I'm looking for some, and my friend hears at the hood.
Started up with a half kick, immediately raised the revs to warming up. They did not twist for a long time, they decided to tighten everything to the end, tightened the timing belt, added oil, antifreeze (completely changed). Brought in again - let it warm up. We wash :) Tea, yesterday's sausage, forgotten pancakes;) I'm happy, it works.
After rolling, the car seemed to become faster at low speeds, but after 2 thousand there is a certain gap in power.
Errors were counted - a knock sensor (I didn't think that this car had one) and a switch. The lamp lights up if you gain more than 2 thousand revolutions in motion. It turns out that even the 1993 car has an ignition timing system. :)
At the expense of the 1st error, there are suspicions that we touched this sensor, or rather the wires, because we tore them, otherwise it was impossible to remove the braid. They didn’t even tear it up, but unrolled it :-) apparently when they made the capital, they also could not remove the connector from this sensor. And it is located at the bottom of the block, it is extremely difficult to crawl there. It is also not clear with the switch, in any case, we cannot yet understand what it is responsible for.
We decided to ride like this for now (the car seems to drive fine, especially on gas), then we will disassemble the distributor, and try to see what is there with the knock sensor.
In total, more than 15,000 rubles were spent.
Disassembly-assembly time was 16 hours.
Eaten 2 sticks of sausage, 3 pita bread, "yesterday" pancakes and drunk 6 liters of tea ;-)
Thanks to those who have read to the end.

Price tag: 15,000 ₽ Mileage: 240,000 km
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Kolek54 03.12.20

Nothing, Zheka, we'll fix it, it flies!

IliaMarkSib 03.12.20

Your beauty will revive, patience and work will grind everything! Hey, have you ever been to Koltsovo at the races?

boom 03.12.20

Of course we will fix it! But I can't live without her ... I miss you. I’m here in Koltsovo, and she’s there at the academy ... standing in the garage, alone, without half a heart :(

IliaMarkSib 03.12.20

It's just so interesting ... And that the old boss cannot be restored?

boom 03.12.20

She ... I'm not a fan of it.
Although on the road sometimes I like to play;)

boom 03.12.20

Yes, kakby, to check it, you need to give it to a decent diagnosis, but the diagnosis costs 2 rubles.
If it can be restored it is still 2-3 rubles. But she has already departed 300 thousand, what will happen to her further xs.
And the contract costs 5 rubles;) I ran 50 thousand.

IliaMarkSib 03.12.20

I see everything is progressing successfully! I would like to have another photo session! ..

IliaMarkSib 03.12.20

Well done!

boom 03.12.20

We got into a mess, I even wanted to shoot on camera, but there was so little time that we didn't even take a single photo.