Bulbs — Toyota Corolla, 0.5 liter, 2001
Zakolhozil light bulbs in the center console and the ceiling is not diode =) That's the news!
the day before yesterday I also changed the light bulbs in the cabin :)
but I haven’t become poneli yet
pancake on the photo somehow looks bespantovo, so I didn’t spread it! so I’ll add it here as the norms turn out!
by the way, I changed it before the meeting) at first there was a strong difference, but now it doesn’t look very good, although it didn’t burn out!
And all the bulbs ran out =) I didn’t even doubt it, I knew that they would last for a month, but I had to try)
they finally didn’t shine much through the panel, they had already burned out, Chinese shit!)
is it not very bright? it seems to me that in the evening such a bright light from the dashboard will strain ... and in the ceiling lamps the diodes are very necessary, it’s light as day, I changed it myself)