Number)) — Toyota Land Cruiser, 4.2 liter, 1997
“A real fiery engine lives inside this outwardly cold and slow car. Unfortunately, it does not know how to show everything that it is capable of. But it keeps the road perfectly.
The driver behind the wheel of such a car loves order and security. He gets everything with difficulty, he achieves everything on his own. His lifestyle is distinguished by constancy. This is a pragmatist, prudent in everything, cautious, punctual and methodical, very hardworking and persistent in achieving his goals and ideas.
haha)) like this))
An optimistic car — fast, light, bright. Does not accept too fast or too slow driving. He has a unique gift to avoid accidents and traffic police officers. Such a car is simply made for travel, and in the trunk there is always a jack and a wheelbrace. And the stylish drawing on board is exactly what he lacks so much. Ha ha nonsense! ! !
"A beautiful and sensual car. Due to its charm, it is rarely stopped by police officers. It has a gentle character and always allows the car in front to change lanes. This car will always take the driver and passengers to their destination. It is very hardworking, which often causes breakdowns ... "
Some garbage - so write about Kruzak :)))