muffler - Toyota Crown, 3.0L, 1991
tore the muffler at the junction, we will be repaired (while holding on to a kind word, the same mother and wire))))
, wires and candles will also have to be replaced, only with the wires there is a Japanese non-original (but they are all short, except for the central just longer than necessary)))) and there are Volgovskie ... what will come of this samopal ?! although it will be better than it is)))))
costs for glushak - we will try to get by with handy means and a familiar welder;
costs for cutting - 630 rubles.
Volgov wires do not fit at all, the Volga has a completely different system for attaching the caps, so I pulled on the unoriginal ... only they sat in a tight one and lie on the valve cover, now I'm thinking of trying to find two long wires for 5 and 6 pots, and I'll leave the rest of the unoriginal, maybe it will turn out)))) well, how will the final version be, then there will be a report :)