Repair: replacement of drive belts — Toyota bB, 1.5 liter, 2004
For a long time I did not want to write anything about the replacement of that, the replacement of this! But then it will be so convenient to view the history of the car! Of course, you shouldn’t clutter up the air with all sorts of maintenance, changing the oil, changing each light bulb separately and adding washer fluid to the tank, but more or less rare and non-preventive work can be mentioned)
So, yesterday on the garden ring I pulled the generator belt, it’s good that I managed to rebuild from the extreme left and join the curb! There she died! The battery has worn out completely, I can’t wait for new gel ones to change. I left it on the side of the road, and went to work myself, found the EVO cutter and belts in a day, and after work I went to replace all the stray things. Thanks to Scion for delivering the belts and buddy Goldman for everything!
1) timing belt and power steering with delivery - 800
2) EVOkuator from Smolenskaya to Zhulebino - 2,000
3) belt replacement - 2,000
ZY exactly EVOkuator) because in the evening, when we stood and waited for him, indicating the exact location of the car, he very famously swept past) Goldman and I even had sandwiches from mouths fell out when we saw this)
09/10/12 Pump
replacement (1 600), oil change