Hooray! Another nishtyak! — Toyota Celica, 2.0 liter, 1995
The Chinese TAKATA have finally arrived. The workmanship was pleasantly surprised, even the threads do not stick out anywhere. If only the Post of Russia hadn't tried to sell the COLLECTION OF RUSSIAN FAIRY TALES (!) on 5 dvds instead, it would be really cool. It's good that I guessed to open the box right at the post office))). Also, delivery from Nakhodka lasted more than two weeks ... Brakes.
Today, right during working hours, I found a minute and installed it. Plus: it really attracts to the seat, it is impossible to reach the glove compartment. Minus: while you buckle up, it takes about five minutes)
I called the transport company, the TRD seat comes tomorrow. Eeeeeee!