Gearbox replacement — logbook Toyota Celica 1995
As I already wrote, the car was bought with a dead E56 box with a 2way block ... To say that it was uncomfortable to drive with such a box is to say nothing. In corners, hellish beating on the suspension (replaced parts of the superstrata were killed in a maximum of a month), jerking, knocking ... On the lift, if one wheel was held and the other was turned, the sound came from the box like from a carpentry machine ... Another of the relative minuses is very long gears (1 -65, 2-110, 3-165 at 7k rpm) … On the one hand, like on the machine))) but on the other hand, it pulled out from the bottom for a very long time …
After a long search, a contract E56 box with a stock lock was found! New stock clutch from GT-FOUR installed, flywheel from 3S-GTE installed.
The car has a completely different dynamics, acceleration and, most importantly, the beating and knocking in corners is gone))