Neon scales - Toyota Corolla, 1.4 liter, 2000
Here are the neon scales that I really like and I plan to put them on ... what is your opinion?
there are 2 options…
2nd is better. clearer or something and will not distract this bright in the middle
you will constantly look not at the numbers of the speedometer and tachometer, but at the blueness) like it or not, but your eyes will focus))
also because of the brightness of the central circle will you get tired of thinking?
thanks for the advice))) dissuaded from the first option) now it remains to find denyuzhki)
If you bother with scales, then option number 2 seems to me more attractive.
Somehow it is more clearly visible and not clumsy
Is the airbag light constantly on? did they work for you?
I’m buying a Corolla e11, it’s also on fire there, but I didn’t seem to have any blows on the body.
Can you be more clear? You can get to me in the city of Yekaterinburg, I don’t have a turkey :)
or maybe a TRD product logo from your car
I have not saying that we have the opportunity to find new car sales in the same would I want to know it 😊
Are you a turkey this product is not in the turkey and a lot of foreign shopping sites now if I would be glad if you can help in providing the reader or from your car with your logo TRD
You turkeys this product is not in Turkey, as well as many foreign trade sites now, if I would be glad if you help supply 😊
Can you be more clear? You can get to me in the city of Yekaterinburg, I don’t have a turkey :)
Hello, I would like to take this turkey products not on this indicator can help you where can I get to you