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Interior lighting - Toyota Celica, 1.8L, 2000

Further, but in fact, it was just while waiting for the numbers in the traffic police, two StreetStorm tape diodes were bought for 750r 40 cm in order to illuminate the legs, as well as blue pedal pads with backlight for 280r. And it was delivered while it was waiting near the traffic police.

Interior lighting - Toyota Celica 18L 2000
Interior lighting - Toyota Celica 18L 2000
It was all powered as follows. I wanted to power it from the dimensions. I connected a certain power terminal to the glove compartment light (I threw it out) (it looks like a black little box, power is connected at the back (from the glove compartment), and in front there are such clamps as on the speakers, we collect wires from all devices there). So far, the illumination of the feet and pedals is connected to it.
Interior lighting - Toyota Celica 18L 2000
Interior lighting - Toyota Celica 18L 2000
The air conditioner and cigarette lighter lights did not work. Where is the cigarette lighter lamp, a certain Sava kindly suggested to me, thanks to him. I inserted a diode there. But the hell doesn't shine in the ashtray. Then the kondeya bulbs were pulled out and found that they had burned out. I don’t remember how much time was spent looking for light bulbs, until one kind person on the forum (I don’t remember the nickname) wrote in an answer to someone (not me) that these bulbs can simply be unwound and removed from the cartridge. And so he did. The following was done immediately.
LED strips purchased.
And 2 meters of twisted pair, because it has very convenient little insulated wires.
We soldered the wires to the tape.
Interior lighting - Toyota Celica 18L 2000
Interior lighting - Toyota Celica 18L 2000
Tested, it works
This is how the tape is put on the cartridge
Interior lighting - Toyota Celica 18L 2000
Interior lighting - Toyota Celica 18L 2000

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djvov 04.12.20

well, for example, to the cigarette lighter)

speeker 04.12.20

damn how cool, but I did not understand where to power it there)