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Bicycle rack for the roof. - Toyota Carina, 1.5L, 1997

Bicycle rack for the roof  - Toyota Carina 15L 1997

Like many, with the onset of warmth, the issue of transporting bicycles has become relevant.
Wandering the Internet for a long time, I found quite expensive options.
Found one option for mounting on the trunk lid for a sedan at a reasonable price of 3-3.5t.r. but I could not find it on sale, and then, having gone to the southern port, I accidentally found the necessary kit for 2700r =) to which I am very glad.

Price tag: 2 700 ₽
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MrMax 05.12.20


Avik 05.12.20

Mount if I'm not mistaken Poland.
The trunk itself cost about 1500r and bike racks 600r for one bike.
This is certainly not True or what companies are engaged in luggage carriers, but it's also worthy, since I have no special complaints)

I bought this structure at the uzhport market in front of the Automobile shopping center, in tents on the street.
In the mall itself, the price for the same set was slightly higher, about 500-1000r.

MrMax 05.12.20

what kind of mount?
where can i buy?