Air conditioner repair - Toyota Caldina, 2.0L, 2000
When I bought the car, the air conditioner was not working. Summer has come and I decided to fix it. It turned out that a hundred pipe going on the starboard side was rubbed against the piping of the frontal, we replaced it with a special high-pressure hose and filled the condo. To replace the tube with a hose, I had to disassemble a lot under the hood, which took 5 hours! Tin is shorter!
After 5 days, the condo ordered to live a long time (((I went back to the masters ... a hole in the tube on the other side ... and it started again ... disassembly and assembly took 3 hours!
hmm. not sickly at you dviglo at first sight figs will make out! Respect, by the way, do you have an article about the issue?