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Photo report on the manufacture of a short-stroke gear shift from stock - Toyota Corolla, 1.6 liter, 1993

The idea is not new, but I also decided to see what would come of it ...

1) Using a 10 head, unscrew the 4 bolts securing the stage.
2) First, from the side cable, then from the central one, carefully removing the clips, we throw them off.
3) We disassemble the wings.
We knock out a small cylinder (which is on the right in the photo), after which, picking up with something sharp, we throw off the lock nut (on the left in the photo).
Then everything is sorted out without any complications.

Photo report on the manufacture of a short-stroke gear shift from stock - Toyota Corolla 16 liter 1993

4) With a grinder we saw off 20-30 mm (I did it at 30mm) at the top on a straight section of the stage and saw off the bottom ball.
5) We weld with a welding machine as the parts of the stage are located in the photo below.

I advise you to take welding work seriously, because there are quite a lot of efforts on the wings and the quality of welding should be at a high level.

Photo report on the manufacture of a short-stroke gear shift from stock - Toyota Corolla 16 liter 1993

Photo report on the manufacture of a short-stroke gear shift from stock - Toyota Corolla 16 liter 1993

6) For aesthetics, with the same grinder, you can remove irregularities after welding ... sandpaper and paint the stage in those places where it will not be affected during its work.

Photo report on the manufacture of a short-stroke gear shift from stock - Toyota Corolla 16 liter 1993

Photo report on the manufacture of a short-stroke gear shift from stock - Toyota Corolla 16 liter 1993

7) We assemble the link, in parallel applying new grease to those parts of it where it is required, namely, in the places of friction.

Photo report on the manufacture of a short-stroke gear shift from stock - Toyota Corolla 16 liter 1993

8) For further correct operation of the stage, you need to raise it relative to the stock mount by 20-30 mm (I did it by 30mm), i.e. exactly as much as increased the length of the stage in its lower part (see point 4).
For this, 4 bolts were purchased 30mm longer than stock and 12 nuts 10mm in height. Better, of course, to put 30mm cylinders as spacers, and not nuts, but because in the store, the cylinders were not available, but I wanted to put the wings and feel the arrival, nuts were bought.

Pros / cons:
+ The stage travel when switching has become 2 times shorter than the stock one, which cannot but please with its convenience and the reduction in the time required to switch from gear to gear.
- The backstage movement has become tighter, because the lever was reduced (but, IMHO, it became more convenient)
- Requires a much more careful attitude to gear changes, because there is a greater load on the gearbox synchronizers when it is quickly shifted.

Price tag: 0 ₽ Mileage: 242,000 km
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Quiksilver 06.12.20

Yes, no, everything is fine, the report is good and informative! I just got a little jammed =)

NVA 06.12.20

Oha ... there is such a jamb with photos =)

Quiksilver 06.12.20

Ahh, I figured it out! There, in the photo, it is first turned at a different angle =)

NVA 06.12.20

I welded and only aligned the welding place for aesthetics.
He did not bent anything. The Japanese have already tried to do this =)

Quiksilver 06.12.20

You first welded the curtain, and then bent it a little, right?

NVA 06.12.20

Transmissions are clearly included. I did not adjust the cables, did not modify them.

Raider 06.12.20

and then you had to regulate or did it work anyway? I mean the clarity of the gears

NVA 06.12.20

Yes, 2 wires.

Raider 06.12.20

ahh. I also remembered. Do you control the cables from the wings?

NVA 06.12.20

Eh ... to see it is bad to write reports half asleep - nothing is clear =)
What's wrong? =) Criticize!

Raider 06.12.20

cool. but I just didn't understand :)

Bogus 06.12.20

thanks ;)

NVA 06.12.20


You have a creditable main photo.
Auto… track… girl - beautiful! =)

Bogus 06.12.20

Good manual, sensible)

NVA 06.12.20

Drag is not particularly attractive to me ... sprints - yes ... =)


Pixforce 06.12.20

Class! I feel a good car is being prepared for the Dreg) And what is the best and most interesting - custom. All on their own)

NVA 06.12.20

It's a good question ... I myself would be happy to study the device of branded short-walkers =)
There are no Russian links.
A friend of Djous took a short walker from TWM Performance on his Mazda 3. He also has a 10 percent discount on their products, so you can talk to him, but he's in England now.

Ricerider 06.12.20


+1 About synchry I agree. I wrote it to the notice of ordinary drivers who do not care about revolutions and just stick the gear they need. In order to mean and not be surprised that their box "ran out" so quickly =)
Sold ... TRD, TWM Performance, etc. They cost about 6 tr. and higher. There is, of course, an option for 1300r from proShport, but this is not mine =)
The main plus of the branded shorts of shifters is that they have 2 times shorter backstage travel, not only when switching on the gear, as it became for me, but besides also when driving handles left-right.

Structurally, how is it implemented? And by the way, have you met any references to Russian hucksters with branded shifters?

Pixforce 06.12.20

Listen, it's a useful thing. And the idea is original ... Although if you think about it, I will not use this option more than two or three times)

razval 06.12.20

they have more likely to have the distance between the lower ball and the central attachment point (also a ball) increased - because just shifting the ball lower - more force is given =)))
well, this is so - everything is IMHO. just switching would become even easier and clearer =)
And Toyota has some kind of fasteners tied to it, so it can't be moved if I understood correctly. On mazdu3 when they put a shortshifter - there is a similar garbage.
On Hondo, there are generally adjustable hand-made in Ryazan - there the central ball on the thread goes with counter-nuts - you can put it on the move you need =))

NVA 06.12.20

+1 About synchry I agree. I wrote it to the notice of ordinary drivers who do not care about revolutions and just stick the gear they need. In order to mean and not be surprised that their box "ran out" so quickly =)
Sold ... TRD, TWM Performance, etc. They cost about 6 tr. and higher. There is, of course, an option for 1300r from proShport, but this is not mine =)
The main plus of the branded shorts of shifters is that they have 2 times shorter backstage travel, not only when switching on the gear, as it became for me, but besides also when driving handles left-right.

razval 06.12.20

Molotchik! The shortshifter is awesome!
About the load on synchro - nonsense, if you switch normally! This is the simplest physics - the main thing is to catch the momentum and this is more important than how quickly you move the stick =))) and a lightweight flywheel to help the revolutions fall faster =)
and are branded ones sold on Toyota?

Sergey-khv 06.12.20

And I, because of the short native shifter, recently turned on the second gear for 140 km. Chased with our two-liter Levin, on the highway, confused.

By the way, as one of the reasons for the death of my motor ...

So be careful.
I did such for myself on Sprinter - a real arrival.

Sergey-khv 06.12.20

I'm talking for the finished.
In general, the topic is very budgetary and really helpful.

NVA 06.12.20

No, I don't need that. Otherwise, it will be possible to confuse the programs already.

Sergey-khv 06.12.20

And by the way, you can also lengthen the side leg, then the lever stroke will decrease to the left / right, but this is already for the downed maniacs.

temichok 06.12.20

I will have to lengthen the side ...

samjdm 06.12.20

Damn, I signed up for a reason, you have enough interesting and useful information :) you write down everything intelligibly with an illustration, well done!

Andry1JZ 06.12.20

The author, why didn't you lengthen the metal rod in the last photo? indicated in the photo with an arrow (in the link) s012.radikal.ru/i319/1503/3c/a6d138047b16.jpg