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Drivers - Toyota RAV4, 2.0 L, 2008

Drivers - Toyota RAV4 20 L 2008

When choosing repeaters, 2 options were proposed ... either "carbon look" or in the ground (with subsequent painting to match the color of the car) ... chose "in the ground", gave it to the painting ... were ready that week, but the time for installation was found only today ...

here is the result ...

Drivers - Toyota RAV4 20 L 2008
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vlad56 06.12.20

this is how the prices used to be) the repeaters cost me 3600, now the question is to paint or cover it with a carbon film. if the price of painting is so high, then I think I'll probably have to roll it into a film)

Miardo 06.12.20

Yes, there is such a bid. TT

angelochekml 06.12.20

Not budgetary :(

Miardo 06.12.20

6500 - repeaters in the ground + 2900 - painting + 3100 installation = 12500 + 7 hours for installation

angelochekml 06.12.20

I want that too! ! How much it costs?